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Testing Alternative Ways of Restructuring Taxi Associations

Testing Alternative Ways of Restructuring Taxi Associations

Document Code No.: LIC 8-3 (PR)
Department/Issuing Agency: DES - Records, Elections and Licensing Services Division
Effective Date: September 20, 2007
Approved: /s/ James J. Buck
Type of Action: New

Signed document (PDF, 102 KB)

1.0 SUBJECT TITLE: Testing Alternative Ways of Restructuring Taxi Associations

1.1 EFFECTIVE DATE: September 20, 2007


2.0 PURPOSE: Test alternative ways of structuring taxi associations and the terms of taxicab license leases, while improving taxi driver/lessee economic viability and achieving benefits to the environment

3.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED: Licensing Section of the King County Records, Elections and Licensing Services (REALS) Division; City of Seattle Licensing and Consumer Affairs (Weights and Measures/Licensing); Port of Seattle, Ground Transportation; Licensed Taxi Associations;


4.1. KCC 6.64.700E, Taxis-Business and Drivers.


5.1 "Reverted Licenses" means previously issued taxi licenses that have been reverted to the county.

6.0 POLICIES: The following are the specific commitments/actions required to be made or performed by persons selected to receive taxi licenses from within the available reverted licenses for the purpose of participating in a test of an alternative way of structuring taxi associations:

6.1 Reverted taxi licenses will be issued to an association whose ownership/management must be composed of persons satisfying the licensing requirements of K.C.C. 6.64, and who are not current taxicab licensees in King County or the City of Seattle.

6.1.1 The test taxi association must operate as an association not already licensed by King County.

6.2 Pursuant to K.C.C. 6.64, the licenses issued from within the reverted licenses are non-transferable.

6.2.1 The licenses cannot be sold or pass through partnership or corporate ownership changes.

6.2.2 Due to the "test" nature of this issuance of taxi licenses, any change in ownership results the revocation of the licenses and reversion of the licenses to King County, provided, however, that at the sole discretion of King County, unforeseen circumstances such as, but not limited to, death of a principal owner or undue hardship, may result in a decision to authorize an ownership change.

6.3 The licenses issued from within the reverted licenses may be revoked for the following reasons:

6.3.1 Change in ownership, as stated in 6.2.2 above;

6.3.2 Violation of 6.64.440 which are basis for revocation;

6.3.3 Termination of the "test" alternative way of structuring taxi associations, upon the provision of 120 days notice to the licensee;

6.3.4 Determining that the conditions required have not been met or that they will not achieve the objectives of the alternative being tested.

6.4 In addition to complying with the above section 6.1., and 6.2. of this rule, the taxi association must operate in compliance with the provisions of K.C.C. 6.64 and the following special conditions or actions not required of other taxi licensees:

6.4.1 Consider persons driving the association's taxicab vehicles employees; and,

6.4.2 Must agree with such drivers/employees to recognize and bargain with the collective bargaining agent for said drivers/employees; and,

6.4.3 20% of the initial drivers/employees of the taxi association must be hired via public recruitment means, e.g., newspaper job notices, interviews, etc. The County and the taxicab association will review the hiring means to document this initial percentage; and,

6.4.4 Must utilize taxicab vehicles which are a hybrid electric vehicles with a minimum rating of 40 miles per gallon in the city; no older than three (3) years at the time of licensing; and, in no case, may be in operation as a taxicab beyond eight (8) years of age; provided, however, that the taxi association may operate, up to but not exceeding 10% of the total licenses issued pursuant to this test as hybrid electric vehicles with a minimum rating of 32 miles per gallon in the city; and,

6.4.5 Must provide 10% of the number of reverted licenses issued as wheelchair accessible vehicles; provided, however, the requirements of 6.4.4. above, are waived until hybrid vehicles capable of meeting the ADA accessibility regulations and 6.4.4. are available commercially, whereupon, the ADA and 6.4.4. compliant vehicles must be used within one year of their commercial availability.

6.5 King County does not assume liability or responsibility for, or in any way release the licensee(s) under this test from any liability or responsibility related to the risks and investments involved to carry out this test.

6.6 King County Code gives the director the authority to make such inspections and take such action as may be required to enforce the provisions of any business license ordinance. This same authority exists in this test of alternative ways to structure taxi associations.

6.7 The licensee under this test of ways of alternatively structuring taxicab associations must also agree to participate in other future tests initiated and/or implemented by the County if requested to do so.




8.1 King County Licensing Section of the Records, Elections and Licensing Services Division is responsible for ensuring that licenses issued from within the reverted licenses must comply with all provisions of King County Code 6.64 and in accordance with this public rules.

Proposed administrative rule comment matrix (PDF, 47 KB)
