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King County Green Schools program success story: Soos Creek Elementary School

Success story: Soos Creek Elementary School

School District: Kent
School Location: Kent
Began participating in the Green Schools Program: September 2010

Level One of the Green Schools Program: Achieved in May 2011
Level Two of the Green Schools Program: Achieved in May 2012

Waste reduction and recycling (level one)

  • 2010-11 was a “green” year at Soos Creek Elementary, where “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” have become common practices. Conservation efforts are evident throughout the school of staff and students working to preserve resources.
  • Soos Creek increased its recycling rate from 20 percent to 50 percent and has maintained that rate through 2011-12. Custodian Ray Arrington has gone the extra mile to support the recycling program by providing training to other staff and educating students about what is recyclable.
  • To achieve this increase, the school improved classroom recycling and initiated lunch time recycling of cans, bottles and milk cartons.
  • The office staff use recycled paper whenever possible. Unwanted ads that come across the fax machine turn into printed documents later in the day.
  • Students have been taught to empty and rinse milk cartons resulting in significant garbage reductions and recycling increases.
  • Teachers are encouraged to place paper reuse bins next to printers in each wing of the school so that paper used on one side only can be used in the printers.
  • Staff bulletins are sent electronically and teachers are asked to save them rather than print them.
  • Students are reminded to prioritize what they print and to print only one copy.
  • Most bulletin boards have accent paper rather than being completely covered with paper.
  • Staff are encouraged to reduce waste and recycle in their staff room.

Energy conservation (level two)

  • In 2011-12, custodian Ray Arrington led the formation of a student Green Team. Team members designed and posted signs to remind the school community to conserve energy by turning out lights in unoccupied rooms.
Soos Creek Students Help
Student empties classroom recycling bins into larger recycling container
Milk Carton Recycling at Soos Creek Elementary
Student empties leftover milk in sink before placing carton in recycling bucket
  • Hall lights are not turned on until just before school starts, resulting in less energy consumption and longer bulb life.
  • Staff are encouraged to turn out lights when they are not in their rooms. They are also reminded to keep vents clear so heating and cooling systems can work properly.
  • To keep heat in and cold out, teachers are reminded to avoid propping doors open.


“Coordinated efforts between Soos Creek and the King County Green Schools Program have resulted in one less trash pick-up per week and increased recycling. Students are especially proud of the milk carton recycling program in the classrooms.”
– Patty Drobny, principal

For more information about the school’s conservation achievements and participation in the Green Schools Program, contact:

Patty, Drobny, principal
Beth Gilbertson, environmental services supervisor, Kent School District
King County Solid Waste Division mission: Waste Prevention, Resource Recovery, Waste Disposal

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