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Services we provide

Services we provide

Technical Document and Research Center

The King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Technical Document and Research Center supports the mission of the Department of Natural Resources and Parks through the provision of research and current awareness services. To that end, we:

  • utilize technology to enhance the efficient provision of information.
  • provide prompt, personalized research and article delivery services.
  • track the type and frequency of research requests to evaluate and improve research services.
  • acquire, facilitate access to, and preserve knowledge resources on the subjects of solid waste, wastewater treatment, and water and land resources.
  • provide updates on current publications that may be useful to Department of Natural Resources and Parks staff members.

The Technical Document and Research Center consists of two collections. The Technical Document collection consists of more than 4,000 technical reports produced by King County agencies. The book collection includes materials on a variety of natural resources topics, as well as general interest materials. We are also developing procedures for receiving technical reports electronically in order to improve accessibility and availability of materials.

Services to the public

  • Assistance will be provided in locating materials in the collection.
  • All materials are Library Use Only.

Services to Department of Natural Resources and Parks staff

  • Transformation of research center services into a more technology driven service allowing staff greater opportunity to obtain materials electronically and at their own convenience.
  • All research, article delivery, and current awareness services.
  • Technical Documents may be checked out for two weeks.
  • Items from the book collection may be checked out indefinitely, until requested by someone else.

Services to King County staff

  • Assistance will be provided in locating materials in the collection.
  • Technical Documents are Library Use Only.
  • Items from the book collection may be checked out for two weeks.


The Research Center currently subscribes to approximately 60 magazines, journals and newsletters, most relating to environmental issues. In addition, the Research Center subscribes to electronic delivery of tables of contents for 42 journals in the natural resources field. Each time an issue of the journal is published the library receives an electronic copy of the table of contents. Research Center staff distribute the tables to interested Department of Natural Resources and Parks staff members, who may then request copies of desired articles.

For questions about the Technical Document & Research Center, please contact Dawn Duddleson, Librarian, Science and Technical Support Section.
