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News Feed

News Feed



id="myFeed" can be named anything you'd like. Just make sure it matches the variable in your JavaScript.

If you have multiple feeds on your page, you will need unique ids for each one.

<div id="myFeed"></div>


The script below must be added to your page before any setup code.

<script src='//'></script>

Below are the customizations, including a tag, you can add to the feed:

  feedURL      : '//',
  title	       : 'Latest news', //Title of feed
  titleIcon    : 'fa-newspaper-o', //Icon used in title
  numItems     : 3, //Number of items to show
  tag          : 'dnrp' //Tag in Google Sheet spreadsheet to filter list by

If there are no customizations, use the code below:

  feedURL      : '//'