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2022 King County Comprehensive Plan

View and download the annual County Council plan update, adopted on December 6, 2022. Also, explore plan amendments, notices, public comments, and determinations.

Plan update

County Council approves the 2022 plan

The Council adopted the 2022 King County Comprehensive Plan update on December 6, 2022. It includes the Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Subarea Plans. The Council also made the following amendments to the plan:

  • 2022: Ordinance 19555
  • 2020: Ordinances 19034 and 19146
  • 2018: Ordinance 18810
  • 2017: Ordinance 18623

The 2022 plan update is an annual update. It's limited to minor changes, technical corrections, subarea plan adoption, and land use changes that do not amend the Urban Growth Area.

The previous plan is from 2016, which the Council adopted on December 5, 2016. It was the fifth major update to the Comprehensive Plan.

About the adopted plan

The 2022 plan includes the Skyway-West Hill and North Highline Subarea Plans. It also includes the following amendments: Ordinance 18623, Ordinance 18810, Ordinance 19034, Ordinance 19146, and Ordinance 19555.

This plan is an annual update. It's limited to minor changes, technical corrections, subarea plan adoption, and land use changes that do not amend the Urban Growth Area.

Notices, comments and SEPA documents

Published notice

On November 22, 2022, the King County Council held a public hearing on the proposed 2022 update to the King County Comprehensive Plan.

Notice of public hearing (105KB)

Public comments

Comments received from November 22, 2022 to December 6, 2022 (548KB)

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) determination

On Monday, October 12, 2022, the Executive branch issued a Determination of Significance for the following:

  • 2022 Amendments to the King County Comprehensive Plan
  • Adoption of Existing Environmental Documents
  • 2022 Addendum to Existing Environmental Documents

The determination was made under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). View the following documents for additional information.

SEPA checklist (2.7MB)

Determination of Significance and Adoption of Existing Environmental Documents (140KB)

Addendum to Existing Environmental Documents (373KB)

Notice of SEPA Threshold Determination Significance, Adoption of Existing Environmental Documents, and 2022 Addendum to Existing Environmental Documents (147KB)

Memorandum concluding SEPA review process (81KB)

About the Comprehensive Plan

The plan is the guiding policy document for land use and development in unincorporated King County. It ensures compliance with the goals and requirements of the Growth Management Act. It also lets the County make policy adjustments that address changes in the community's growth and long-term needs.

The Comprehensive Plan covers regional services such as transit, sewers, parks, trails, and open space.

It also addresses the following services:

  • Where homes, offices, or stores can be built.
  • How roads, buildings, and trees contribute to the look and feel of neighborhoods.
  • Protection of working farms and forests.
  • Access to clean water, clean air, and a healthy environment.

Plan updates

King County Code (K.C.C. 20.18.030) allows for annual, midpoint, and 10-year updates to the Comprehensive Plan. The midpoint and 10-year updates consider broader policy changes and revisions to the Urban Growth Area.

Here's what the updates cover:

  • Annual update: Permits limited changes, technical corrections, adoption of subarea plans, and adoption of land use changes that do not amend the Urban Growth Area.
  • Midpoint update: An optional revision authorized for the fifth year of the 10-year cycle. It's limited to what's included in the motion describing the scope of work.
  • Ten-year update: A complete plan review and update, as mandated by Growth Management Act requirements.