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King County Green Schools program success story: Bryn Mawr Elementary School

Success story: Bryn Mawr Elementary School

School District: Renton
School Location: Seattle
Began participating in the Green Schools Program: November 2011

Level One of the Green Schools Program: Achieved in May 2012

Waste reduction and recycling (level one)

  • As of May 2012, Bryn Mawr has increased its recycling rate from 18 percent to 50 percent.
  • The school began the 2011-12 year with a school-wide assembly and classroom workshops provided by King County.
  • Teachers Pamela Moore and Laura Grant gave a presentation to all staff in December 2011 to introduce them to the Green Schools Program.
  • A green ambassador was chosen from each class to help oversee Bryn Mawr’s new milk carton recycling and waste disposal program. 
  • Three fifth grade students assumed responsibility for helping lunch custodian Rod Kempf with the lunchroom recycling program. 
  • The school is working to reduce food waste in the lunchroom by encouraging students to take only what they will eat and drink, and use the share table for unwanted items.
  • Re-use paper boxes have been created for classrooms and the teacher workroom to minimize paper waste.
  • The PTA shared information with parents and the school community about Bryn Mawr’s waste reduction and recycling efforts through newsletter articles and the PTA bulletin board in the front office.
  • PTA members worked with the student Green Team on an Earth Day activity to save all the empty milk cartons for four days to illustrate the quantity of milk cartons that students were recycling and keeping out of the landfill. On Earth Day, students were reminded about the four “R’s” – rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle – and encouraged to teach another person about them on Earth Day.


  • Green Leader School Award, Pillar 1 (Environmental Impact, including waste reduction, recycling, water conservation and energy efficiency) from the state of Washington.


"Recycling in the lunchroom at Bryn Mawr has made a huge difference!"
– Rod Kempf, custodian

For more information about the school’s conservation achievements and participation in the Green Schools Program, contact:

Laura Grant, teacher
Bryn Mawr Elementary School
Students are proud of their milk carton recycling success.
Bryn Mawr Elementary School
Earth Day bulletin board messages next to milk cartons collected for recycling.
Bryn Mawr Elementary School
Sign at cafeteria salad bar to encourage students to only take what they will eat.
King County Solid Waste Division mission: Waste Prevention, Resource Recovery, Waste Disposal

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