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NC-P01: Cougar Mountain Subarea Master Plan Development

NC-P01: Cougar Mountain Subarea Master Plan Development


NC-P01: Cougar Mountain Subarea Master Plan Development



Cougar Mountain Subarea Master Plan Development
Development Condition Text


Suffix Conditions for Properties within the Master Plan Development Overlay District


1. For land within the designated potential village development sites:
Development of this property shall be limited to that allowed under the provisions of the Growth Reserve 2.5 Acre (GR-2.5) zone (KCC 21.21) PROVIDED that, village development as part of an overall master plan may be approved subject to the review, process, and criteria outlined below.
2. For land within the master plan development overlay district but outside the designated potential village development sites:
Development of this property shall be limited to that allowed under the provision of the Growth Reserve 2.5 Acre (GR-2.5) zone (KCC 21.21) PROVIDED that, village development as part of an overall master plan may be approved subject to the review, process, and criteria outlined in below.

If King County approves an overall master plan for village development in the Cougar Mountain subarea and this property is not included within the boundaries of such a master plan, then the owners of this property may apply for a reclassification.

Approval of any such reclassification application shall be based on its consistency with applicable County plans and policies, its compatibility with the land uses of the approved master plan, and the availability of public facilities to the site.

Cougar Mountain MPD Approval Process and Criteria for Master Plan Development within the Cougar Mountain Subarea (Source: Newcastle Community Plan, p. 141-153)
SECTION 1. Eligibility for Village Development.
An application for approval of a master plan for village development within the Cougar Mountain subarea of the Newcastle planning area may be accepted by the Department of Development and Environmental Services, hereafter called the Department, (DDES) and processed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter if the parcel of land meets the land ownership requirements of Section 3 below and if it is in an area which has been designated as appropriate for a master plan development in the adopted Newcastle Community Plan and meets the locational criteria contained in that Plan.
SECTION 2. Size and Area Requirements.
A. A tract of land for which a master plan development is approved must meet the size and area criteria contained in the adopted Newcastle Community Plan.

B. The size requirements referred to in this section may be met by the assembly of smaller contiguous parcels as provided in Section 3 below.

C. A tract for which a master plan development is approved must contain all the land within the outermost boundaries of the development.
SECTION 3. Land Ownership Requirements.
A. All property owners within the proposed master plan development must execute an agreement approved by the Department and binding on their successors in interest, in which each owner agrees that once application is made for approval of a master plan development, the owner shall make no other application to King County for any land use approval or permit for property within the proposed master plan development until either the proposed master plan development is either approved or disapproved by the Council, except as authorized in Section 16 below or until the application is withdrawn.

B. The agreement specified in Section 3(A) shall designate an appropriate agent who shall have the authority to represent the owners and their successors in interest in the process of obtaining approval of the master plan development from King County and developing the property pursuant to any approval.

C. A single legal entity shall be created prior to approval of a master plan development which shall have responsibility for compliance with all conditions of master plan development approval.

D. In the event of disputes regarding a proposed master plan development application between owners of property within a proposed master plan development, King County shall have no responsibility to resolve such disputes and shall have the discretion to refuse to process or approve a disputed application until such owners agree among themselves upon a course of action with respect to such an application.
SECTION 4. Application for Master Plan Development.
The application for approval of a master plan development shall include the following:
A. Proof of compliance with Sections 1 , 2, and 3 above.

B. A plan and supporting data pursuant to Section 5 (C) below.

C. An environmental checklist.

D. A list of all permits and approvals required for the project, to the extent they can be identified.

E. A fee to cover the cost of processing the master plan development proposal as established pursuant to Section 17 below.
SECTION 5. Review Process.
An application for a master plan development on Cougar Mountain shall be processed pursuant to procedures for reclassification of property pursuant to K.C.C. Chapter 20.24 and other applicable ordinances; provided, that the application shall be exempt from the provisions of K.C.C. 20.24.190. During this process proposal(s) will be reviewed to ensure they meet the criteria of the adopted Newcastle Community Plan. Affected citizens, jurisdictions and public agencies shall play an important part in this review. The process is outlined below.
A. Prior to submittal of a formal application the applicant shall have the option of requesting an informal conference with representatives from the Department, other County departments, and affected cities. The Department shall be responsible for organizing such a conference. The purpose of this conference shall be to identify:
1. Permits or approvals which may be required.

2. Applicable regulations and standards.

3. Alternatives regarding size, layout, phasing and other aspects of the proposal.

4. Additional information which may be required.

5. Available information sources for environmental data.

6. Potential problems.
No binding commitments, either formal or informal, may be required of or given by any public agency or county department at such a conference.
B. Village design shall be based upon site analysis and suitability studies. Cougar Mountain contains many areas not suitable for development. The number and size of villages as specified in the policies and guidelines in the adopted Newcastle Community Plan are maximum limits, not guaranteed commitments. The actual number, location and size of the villages as well as the internal design should be based on the constraints and opportunities of the land. Some land is characterized by multiple, severe constraints to development. Other lands are valuable in their undeveloped state for cultural, biological, hydrological, or aesthetic reasons. Development of some otherwise unconstrained lands may cause unacceptable off site hazards, damage or public costs. Only detailed site capability analyses will determine if the specified development limits can be achieved without creating unacceptable levels of environmental damage, public costs, or hazard to human life.
C. The applicant shall prepare and submit to the Department a plan and supporting data containing the following information and documents:
1. A narrative statement describing in detail the area in which a master plan development is proposed, including the total acreage and properties within five hundred (500) feet, the existing character and use of the site, the location of any sites or structures of historic significance as defined in K.C.C. 20.62, and current land use designations,
2. A detailed description of the proposed master plan development, including proposed uses, zoning classifications, residential densities, open space and recreational facilities, drainage facilities, utilities and other public service improvements, and any significant physical alterations to the land required by the development, including a description of methods that will be used to satisfy the criteria identified in sections 7 through 14 below,
3. An explanation of how the proposal would meet relevant criteria established by the Comprehensive Plan, the policies and design guidelines contained in the adopted Newcastle Community Plan, and other adopted King County plans and policies,
4. A list of anticipated capital improvement projects necessitated in whole or in part by the proposal, including off site improvements, their approximate cost, and an explanation of the proposed method of financing such projects and other information pursuant to section 15 of this ordinance,
5. Maps showing the existing and proposed topography (five foot contours), sensitive areas, as defined in K.C.C. 21.04, existing and proposed zoning classifications, location of streets and utilities, open spaces, natural drainage systems, recreational facilities, and other improvements. A vicinity map showing existing access, zoning, recreational facilities, and open space shall also be provided,
6. A detailed description of existing conditions and potential impacts from project development to both the on site and downstream drainage system. Analysis shall be extended to the major receiving water body. The drainage analysis shall be supported by site and downstream field data. This information shall be of sufficient detail for the Department to determine the scope of required drainage studies which may include a full basin plan.
7. A detailed description of the proposed phasing of the development including the phasing of housing and public facilities and services, such as recreational facilities, and open spaces and drainage facilities, and an estimated development timetable.
8. A detailed explanation of the proposed methods of managing and maintaining required recreational facilities, open spaces, drainage facilities, and other public facilities or services,
9. Additional information as is necessary to evaluate the proposed master plan development for compliance with applicable state laws and County policies, including but not limited to the standards contained in the adopted Newcastle Community Plan and Area Zoning.
D. King County is receptive to the development of an interlocal agreement between Bellevue, Issaquah, and King County. The Department will work with the affected cities to determine whether or not an interlocal agreement is appropriate. Such an agreement would establish the responsibilities of each jurisdiction and the process for reviewing master plan development proposals, including determining specific land uses and identifying conditions of development. It would also spell out utility service responsibilities and identify municipal annexation boundaries.
E. The King County Executive shall determine the scope of required drainage studies. The studies shall take the form of site capability studies, drainage basin plans, or specific drainage studies covering one or more of the drainage basins where development is proposed. The on site and appropriate off site studies shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted prior to master plan development approval. The County Executive shall also determine the timing, management, and funding of basin or drainage plan implementation. The relationship between the drainage basin plans and other studies and any required project environmental impact statement shall also be addressed.
F. The King County Executive shall determine whether or not an environmental impact statement (EIS) is required. If an EIS is necessary it will be paid for by the applicant, and the County shall select a consultant to prepare the project EIS from a list submitted by the applicant. If the County determines that there are no qualified consultants on the list, then additional names shall be submitted.

The EIS shall evaluate at least two alternative development plans. This evaluation shall include an appraisal of the ability of the alternatives to meet the policies and guidelines contained in the adopted Newcastle Community Plan. Any required site capability, drainage studies, or basin plans shall be used as part of the technical background information in the EIS.
G. Pursuant to K.C.C. 20.24.150, the Department shall prepare a report to the Zoning and Subdivision Examiner on the master plan development application. This report shall be based on any environmental review including an environmental impact statement and any drainage basin plans or other studies; input from affected cities, public agencies, and County departments; the adopted Newcastle Community Plan and other County plans and policies; and the development criteria contained in Sections 7 through 14, below.
H. The Zoning and Subdivision Hearing Examiner and County Council shall process an application for a master plan development pursuant to the procedures for reclassification of property contained in K.C.C. Chapter 20.24, other applicable ordinances, and the adopted Newcastle Community Plan; provided, that the application shall be exempt from the provisions of K.C.C. 20.24.190. This process shall include public hearings, recommendations, and final action.
I. Master plan approval would be at least a two stage process. The first stage would be a general review of the overall master plan development of up to two villages on Cougar Mountain. Depending upon proposed phasing and timing of development at each village site, one or more additional stages of review would be required to assign specific land use and zoning designations and conditions for the development of each village site and/or each phase of development. The review process for each stage of approval would be the same as the zone reclassification process.
SECTION 6. Approved Master Plan Development
A. An approved master plan development shall consist of the following:
1. A detailed land use map of the subject property depicting the uses authorized for the entire subject property,

2. At the applicant's option, one of the following two detailed zoning maps of the subject property depicting:
a. Approved zoning classifications implementing the approved land uses on all or a portion of the subject property,

b. Potential zoning classifications for all or a portion of the subject property to implement the approved land uses, as provided in K.C.C. 21.46.060; provided, the base zoning for any portions of the subject property designated with a potential zone is that approved by the adopted Newcastle Area Zoning guidelines,
3. Any conditions of approval.
B. Final conditions of approval, including on site and off site improvements to be undertaken by the applicant, the approved plan, and data described in subsections 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of Section 5(C) and Section 8(A) of this ordinance, shall be embodied in a concomitant agreement approved by the Department of Planning and Community Development and the King County Prosecuting Attorney, and thereafter executed by all property owners within the master plan development and by King County in recordable form and filed for recording with the King County Division of Records and Elections. Such an agreement shall bind the property owners and their successors in interest to develop their properties only in accordance with the final conditions of approval.
C. The master plan development approval shall not become effective nor shall any development commence until the concomitant agreement has been recorded with the Division of Records and Elections. The agreement shall be recorded as a covenant to the properties identified in Section 6(B).
SECTION 7. Development Criteria.
In addition to compliance with K.C.C. 20.24.180, the approval, denial or imposition of conditions upon a master plan development shall be based upon the specific requirements, goals and policies identified in sections 8 through 18 below and other applicable state and county statutes, regulations, plans and policies.
SECTION 8. Housing Criteria.
A. Housing for all income levels.
1. "Low income" is an income level below eighty percent (80%) of the median income for King County. Ten percent (10%) of the total residential units shall be used as a target in providing housing in each master plan development affordable to persons of low income,

2. "Moderate income" is an income level between eighty percent (80%) and one hundred percent (100%) of the median income for King County. Ten percent (10%) of the total residential units shall be used as a target in providing housing in each master plan development affordable to persons of moderate income,

3. "Median income" is an income level between one hundred percent (100%) and one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the median income for King County. Ten percent (10%) of the total residential units shall be used as a target in providing housing in each master plan development affordable to persons of median income,

4. Median income for King County and affordable monthly housing payments based upon a percent of this income shall be determined annually by the Department of Planning and Community Development,

5. Housing required by this section shall contain a reasonable mix of units designed for senior citizens and families.
B. A preliminary schedule for the phasing of the construction of the housing called for above shall be included with each master plan development application in order to assure that an adequate mix of housing is provided in all phases of development and that the required housing is dispersed throughout the development. A specific schedule shall be submitted with each phase pursuant to Section 14 (B.6).
C. No low income housing will be required in any phase unless publicly funded programs for such housing are available, provided that the developer may be required to set aside sufficient land for that purpose. Land may be required to be set aside for a period of up to five years at a value calculated as follows: the area of the set aside land multiplied tines the average per square foot assessed value of the property in the phase for the year in which the phase is granted approval. Computations shall be based on King County Assessor information. If during that period, programs become available, the developer shall cooperate with the public agency for the development of such housing. If programs do not become available the land shall be released for other development consistent with the master plan development and the low income housing requirement will be reevaluated at the next phase.
D. The master plan development will be reviewed to establish a minimum percentage for each housing income level. Criteria for establishing these minimums shall include County wide as well as community plan area population characteristics, market, and economic factors including but not limited to:
1. Cost of construction and financing,

2. Cost of existing housing,

3. Housing types and sizes available,

4. Percentage population within each income level,

5. Employment opportunities,

6. Availability of publicly funded housing programs for low income persons,

7. Amount of existing assisted housing in the surrounding area,

8. Overall need County wide for low, moderate, and median income housing for senior citizens and families.
SECTION 9. Open Space and Recreational Criteria.
A. Forty percent (40%) of the gross area of the overall master plan shall be used as a target in providing community open space. "Community open space" means land in the master plan development which is to be owned by the public or by an approved community or homeowners' organization at the option of the King County Department of Planning and Community Development, and preserved in perpetuity for the use of the public and/or residents of the master plan development.

B. Open space requirements for residential developments contained in King County Code titles 19, 20 and 21 shall be waived within the master plan development; except that the open space requirements of K.C.C. Chapter 21.56 and K.C.C. 21.08.080 shall remain in effect for PUD's and for plats when using the lot averaging provisions. The open space required for UPD in K.C.C. Chapter 21.56 and for plats in K.C.C. when using the lot averaging provisions shall not be included in the calculation of community open space.

C. The following areas shall be preserved as open space:
1. Unique, fragile, and valuable elements of the environment plus any necessary protective buffer areas, such as prime wildlife habitats or natural drainage features,

2. Areas unsuitable for building due to natural hazards,

3. Agricultural and fisheries resources,

4. Physical and/or visual buffers within and between areas: of urban development; except that private open space areas associated with residential dwellings shall not be included in the calculation of the minimum community open space area,

5. Natural areas with significant educational, scientific, historic, or scenic values,

6. Outdoor recreation areas. Park and recreational facilities shall be provided by the developer in accordance with current County standards (Ordinance 3813 and Motion 3527 and any applicable future amendments).

7. Perimeter buffering of the master plan development.

8. Existing and proposed trail corridors.

9. 80% of the land dedicated for school purposes.
D. The master plan development will be reviewed to establish a minimum percentage of open space and recreational area.
1. Criteria for establishing this minimum shall include the physical characteristics of the site, the amount of recreational facilities and permanent open space in the surrounding area, the existing and planned uses of adjacent land , and the types of uses proposed for open space areas.

2. High priority shall be given to preserving, maintaining and managing the existing natural drainage system by retaining significant drainage features including creeks, streams, lands and wetlands within the open space area with minimal encroachment by other open space uses.

3. Compatible multiple uses on such open space may be specifically authorized at the time of approval of the master plan development.

4. Preservation of open space for environmental and buffering needs in excess of the community open space target shall not relieve the master plan development from providing useable open space for active use.
E. Open space shall be either dedicated to an appropriate governmental agency or held in perpetuity by an approved private organization with responsibility for maintenance and operation at the option of the Department.

F. Any open space property which is planned for dedication, but is not dedicated promptly upon approval of the phase of the master plan development in which the property is located, shall be maintained by the applicant until dedicated, in accordance with an approved interim maintenance program. The applicant shall submit a proposed interim maintenance program for all such properties as part of the master plan development application.
SECTION 10. Commercial/Industrial Criteria.
A. The master plan development shall provide neighborhood business areas for the everyday shopping and service needs of the community, consistent with applicable King County policies.

B. Mixed use buildings are encouraged in business areas.
SECTION 11. Utilities, Energy and Public Services Criteria.
A. The master plan development shall be responsible for all improvements and additions to public and private water and sewer facilities required as a result of the development, including off site facilities and improvements.

B. The master plan development shall provide for adequate fire protection to the extent such need is created either wholly or partially as a result of the development. In the event adequate facilities are not available the developer shall have the option of dedicating sites, paying fees or using other means capable of providing for fire protection. Provision for adequate fire protection may include dedication of fire station sites, construction of fire stations, and purchase of new equipment.

C. The master plan development shall include energy efficient building types and efficient energy consuming systems. The master plan development shall make use of renewable energy resources and the provision of a choice of alternative fuel sources wherever possible and economically feasible.

D. The master plan development shall provide for adequate schools to the extent such need is created either totally or partially as a result of the development. In the event adequate facilities are not available the developer shall have the option of dedicating sites, paying fees or using other means capable of providing for school services. School site locations and access shall be determined in conjunction with the appropriate district. Such sites shall be provided with utility connections and shall be dedicated to the appropriate school district.

E. Methods for financing public and private improvements referred to in this section shall be identified and approved by King County pursuant to Section 15.
SECTION 12. Transportation Criteria.
A. The master plan development shall provide:
1. External access streets, internal arterials and streets meeting current King County road planning and improvement standards or as otherwise provided pursuant to K.C.C. Chapter 19.20.

2. Facilities or design considerations which encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation, including but not limited to, transit, carpool, bicycle, pedestrian and equestrian trail facilities.

3. All on site and off site road improvements necessary to mitigate the impacts of traffic on existing public roads caused as a result of the development.
B. A transportation plan should be prepared by the applicant for the master plan development and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to issuance of any development or building permit for the first phase of an approved master plan develop magnet. A transportation plan for each phase of development shall be reviewed and approved before development of that phase begins, to assure compatibility with the master transportation plan and adequacy of facilities, and compliance with current King County standards. Care will be given to ensure the plans are compatible with standards of the adjacent jurisdictions.
C. Methods for financing of on site and off site transportation improvements required pursuant to this section shall be identified and approved by King County pursuant to Section 15 of this ordinance.
SECTION 13. Drainage Criteria.
A. The master plan development shall provide an on and off site drainage facilities system which meets the following criteria:
1. The existing natural drainage system shall be preserved, maintained, and managed to the maximum feasible extent. Significant creeks, streams, lakes, wetlands, and supporting vegetative buffers necessary to preserve the valuable functions of the natural drainage system, shall be retained to the maximum feasible extent. Development, including roads and utilities, within the natural drainage system shall be kept at an absolute minimum. Any development proposed around these features shall require studies pursuant to K.C.C. 21.54 and Natural Features policies in the adopted Newcastle Community Plan. These studies shall determine if development may be permitted and to determine appropriate setbacks and other mitigating measures to protect the features if development is allowed.

2. The system shall be designed to be compatible with applicable King County drainage basin plans and systems including drainage basin plans required during the review of the master plan development and any pre existing basin plans. Care shall be given to ensure the systems are compatible with those of adjacent jurisdictions.

3. The system shall be designed and constructed so as to mitigate on site and off site impacts from increased runoff, erosion, siltation , flooding and/or other impacts identified in drainage studies or basin plans.
B. A comprehensive drainage study and plan addressing site and downstream conditions for the master plan development shall be pre pared by the applicant. The study and plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to issuance of any development or building permit for the first phase of an approved master plan development. A drainage plan for each phase of development shall be reviewed and approved before development of that phase begins, to assure compatibility with the master drainage plan, adequacy of facilities, and compliance with current King County standards. Care will be given to ensure the plans are compatible with standards of the adjacent jurisdictions.

C. Determination of whether the drainage system and drainage facilities shall be owned, managed, maintained, and funded by the public, a private organization, or shared public private responsibilities shall occur as part of master plan approval.
1. A manual shall be prepared by the applicant prescribing preservation, maintenance and management procedures, practices and responsibilities for the existing natural drainage system and any on site drainage facilities located within the master plan development.
D. Methods for financing of construction and maintenance of on site and off site drainage improvements required pursuant to this section shall be identified and approved by King County pursuant to Section 15 of this ordinance.
SECTION 14. Phased Development.
A. The term "phase" means a portion of a master plan development site which is the subject of application for approval of one or more subdivisions, planned unit developments, or site plans pursuant to K.C.C. sections 21.46.150 .200; provided, that approval of a site plan in the master plan development shall be based on compliance with the guidelines, performance standards, permitted uses, or other requirements imposed for that phase at the time of master plan approval.

B. A master plan development may be developed in phases, provided:
1. An estimated time period for completion of all phases shall be provided as part of the master plan application,

2. The development must be provided with adequate facilities and services at all phases of development,

3. Initiation of new phases may be prohibited until conditions imposed on previous phases have been met,

4. A detailed financial plan is submitted for each phase pursuant to Section 15 below,

5. A general sequence of phases shall be required which will assure a mix of uses and densities,

6. Prior to submission of development plans for each phase, the applicant shall consult with the King County Housing and Community
Development Division to determine the specific number of low/moderate/median income housing units to be developed in the proposed phase.
C. Additional conditions of approval may be imposed on each phase to obtain compliance with current County requirements provided changes to the requirements in Sections 8 to 14 shall be reviewed pursuant to Section 18.
SECTION 15. Financial Plan for Capital Facilities.
A. A preliminary financial plan shall be submitted as part of the master plan development application which addresses:
1. On site and off site capital facilities required as a result of the proposed master planned development as identified in Sections 11, 12, and 13.

2. Capital facilities required by the master plan development that cannot be built incrementally as part of each phase and those capital facilities required in conjunction with the development of each phase.

3. Potential financing methods.

4. Areas within and outside of the designated master plan development area that will benefit from the required facilities.

5. The master plan development's fair share of the costs for on and off site improvements.
B. A detailed financial plan shall be submitted as part of each proposed phase review. The detailed financial plan shall identify the proposed methods for financing the required capital facilities for the phase and a schedule for its implementation. Alternative methods shall be identified for those methods which are dependent on actions beyond the applicant's control.
C. Approval of the master plan development is for land use purposes only and as such does not constitute prior County approvals or decisions or make provisions for capital facility programming for required off site or on site facilities.
SECTION 16. Combination With Other Applications.
A. An application for a master plan development or an amendment thereto may be combined with applications for King County approval or related land development permits and approvals for the site which implement the master plan development, including but not limited to, subdivisions, planned unit developments, Local Service Area amendments, shoreline permits, flood control permits, and building permits.

B. The following types of applications may be processed concurrently with an application for a master plan development: amendments to utility district comprehensive plans, franchises and sewerage general plan amendments. Amendments to such plans may encompass more property than that of the proposed master plan development if consistent with the adopted Newcastle Community Plan and other applicable adopted County plans and policies.
SECTION 17. Fee.
A fee shall be paid by the applicant to finance the master plan review process in amounts to be determined by Department at the time of application. Such fee's shall equal the estimated cost of processing the master plan development application for all affected Executive County agencies. After receipt of an application for a master plan development, the Department shall consult with all affected Executive county agencies and shall establish a budget setting forth the estimated cost of reviewing the application. The applicant shall pay the budgeted amount, and at the applicant's option, payment may be made in regular installments during the review process. All County departments involved in the review process shall keep accurate records of their actual time and costs expended in reviewing the application. After the application has been approved or disapproved by the Council, the budgeted amount shall be adjusted to equal the actual cost of processing. The applicant shall thereupon pay any remaining deficit to King County, or the County shall thereupon refund any remaining surplus to the applicant.
SECTION 18. Master Plan Development Amendments.
An approved master plan development, including any of the required elements thereof, the concomitant agreement, or any conditions of approval, may be amended or modified by the Council of King County at the request of King County, the applicant, or the applicant's successor in interest, if the Council finds, after notice and hearing undertaken in accordance with procedures for reclassification of property pursuant to K.C.C. Chapter 20.24 and other applicable ordinances, that conditions in the area have changed, that development as originally approved would be infeasible, or that the proposed amendment or modification would better promote the health, safety, or welfare of King County residents.
SECTION 19. Development Criteria not a Precedent.
The Development Criteria of Sections 8 through 18 are imposed on village development proposals within the Cougar Mountain Subarea. Nothing herein shall be construed as authorizing or encouraging the application of the requirements, goals, and policies of Sections 8 through 18 to any other land use approval or permitting process in King County. The requirements, goals, and policies of Section 8 through 18 shall not apply to zoning reclassifications, subdivision or short subdivision approvals, planned unit developments, large lot segregations , or other land use approvals or permits not part of the master plan developments within the villages master plan development overlay district.

Current Ordinance

Effective Date


August 20, 2020




Adopted by Ord. 12824, 08/18/1997
Amended by Ord.14044, 03/12/2001
Amended by Ord.15028, 10/11/2004
Amended by Ord. 19146, 08/10/2020 (Map)

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