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Council’s review of the King County budget

King County functions from a biennial or two-year budget, which was previously adopted in the fall of even numbered years. Because of the shift of county elections to even numbered years, this year, the county will execute a one-year budget for 2025 that will be adopted this November. King County will revert to biennial budgets beginning in 2026.

In late September, the County Executive, Dow Constantine, will transmit his proposed county budget to the King County Council. This event begins a series of budget review processes by the Council that will culminate in the adoption of a budget in November. The Council's review of the county budget is one of the most important functions of the Council. King County is required by law to adopt a balanced budget. Traditionally, the Council has adopted a balanced budget in mid-to-late November.

The Council invites the input of the public in its budget review process and will hold public hearings in October in different parts of the county to enable the public to participate. The public may provide feedback during these meetings in person or online. 

As more information about the Council's budget review process becomes available, it will be published on this page. The format will be reverse chronological order, with the most recent information being placed at the top.
