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Community corrections - alternatives to detention

Learn more about alternatives to jail in King County.

We provide the court system and program participants with alternatives to jail. These may be available before a trial or after sentencing. The programs use evidence-based practices to promote more productive behaviors and lifestyles. 

To participate in one of these programs, you must be ordered by the court. Details about each program can be found below. 

Note: Work Education Release (WER) and the Community Work Program (CWP) were both closed as of January 1, 2021. 


Beware of scams targeting people in jail and family members

We have been alerted to a scam where people contact family members claiming they can have someone released to Electronic Home Detention in exchange for payment. Do not provide money, pre-paid cards, or personal information if you receive a call or message of this kind. You can reach King County jail customer service directly at 206-296-1234.

Electronic Home Detention

Electronic Home Detention allows people to stay at home instead of going to jail. This can be while they are waiting for trial or after they have been sentenced for a crime. 

Participants are monitored electronically and must stay in their homes. There are some exceptions for set schedules, which may include going to work, school, or treatment. 

Participants must wear an electronic bracelet for monitoring. If ordered by the court, additional monitoring may be required. This can include:

  • Cellular device monitoring
  • GPS monitoring
  • Alcohol monitoring

For more information about Electronic Home Detention, call 206-296-1240.

Community Center for Alternative Programs (CCAP)

Community Center for Alternative Programs (CCAP) was formerly known as Day Reporting. 

The goal of CCAP is to assist participants to change behaviors. We do this by assessing a participant's individual needs and then creating weekly schedules of structured programs. 

We provide on-site services as well as referrals to community-based services. 

CCAP participants may be required to undergo random drug or alcohol monitoring if ordered by the courts. 

For more information about CCAP, call 206-477-0670.

Pretrial Assessment and Linkage Services (PALS)

The Pretrial Assessment and Linkage Services (PALS) provides similar services to CCAP for people in south King County. PALS is based in Kent.

For more information about PALS, call 206-848-0847 or 206-477-0670.

Intake Services Unit (ISU)

The Intake Services Unit (ISU) works with District Court and Superior Court in King County. The courts may use information from the ISU to help decide whether to release someone from jail.

Personal recognizance investigators in this unit can release some people from jail while their charges are pending. The courts have granted this authority through administrative orders.


Felony Arraignment Notification

Intake Services oversees another service called Felony Arraignment Notification (FAN). People who are out of custody receive these notices for upcoming court dates and other legal matters. This information may help clarify court expectations and procedures.

Partner agencies

We provide services through partnerships with nonprofits, public safety agencies, and the courts. These services include: 

  • Healthcare
  • Behavioral health and treatment
  • Job training and placement
  • Housing and shelter
  • Education