White River Watershed

The White River Watershed includes the land area in rural south King County where surface water flows into the White River and its tributaries. The White River flows into the Puyallup and out to Central Puget Sound at Commencement Bay. The watershed includes Boise Creek.
Basin Steward Program
Find out what Water and Land Resources' Basin Steward Program does and how to contact your Basin Stewards.
Flooding and hydrology
King County Flood Warning System
Real-time gage readings, flood phase/river crest descriptions, maps and reports for the White River.
Historic flood photo viewer
Use a map to to look up aerial photos of past floods on the Snoqualmie River and its tributaries in King County.
Salmon recovery
Salmon Habitat Protection and Restoration Strategy for Puyallup and Chambers Watersheds
The Restore and Protect Project
Project to identify habitat stressors and recommend restoration and protection actions to improve freshwater quality and aquatic habitat in Puget Sound streams including Boise Creek in the White River Watershed.
Surface water management and groundwater
Report problems: drainage and water quality
Stormwater runoff pollution and how to reduce it
Rainstorms rinse the watershed faster when covered by hard surfaces like roofs and roads. Learn how stormwater brings pollution, wastes and sediments into streams, rivers and lakes and how you can keep stormwater clean.
Pollution monitoring
Rivers and streams: Water quality data are available online for:
Lakes: statistics and water quality
Recreation and appreciation
Foothills Trail
Foothills Trail (formerly known as the Enumclaw Plateau Trail) begins just south of Enumclaw and follows a former railroad route. The trail crosses the abandoned historic Boise Creek Bridge on its way over the White River into Buckley.
Parks and natural areas
Look up individual properties protected by King County Parks and accessible to people.
- Five Mile Lake Park
- Pinnacle Peak Park
Fishing regulations and seasons
Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife fishing rules for Washington State including White River, its tributaries and lakes within the watershed.
Agriculture in King County, Washington
Info about several programs serving growers in King County and resources promoting local agriculture. The Snoqualmie Valley encompasses one of King County's larger agricultural districts.
Forestry services and information
Info about several King County programs serving foresters and homeowners involved in forestry.
Current use taxation programs
Incentive programs to help encourage private landowners to voluntarily conserve and protect land resources, open space and timber.
Transfer of Development Rights
Preserve rural lands by selling the right to develop the same amount of housing in urban areas.