Top contacts at King County
Elected officials
Learn more about King County elected officials
Name | Title | Phone |
Dow Constantine | County Executive | 206-263-9600 |
Rod Dembowski | Councilmember, District 1 | 206-477-1001 |
Girmay Zahilay | Councilmember, District 2 |
206-477-1002 |
Sarah Perry | Councilmember, District 3 |
206-477-1003 |
Jorge L. Barón |
Councilmember, District 4 |
206-477-1004 |
Dave Upthegrove | Councilmember, District 5 |
206-477-1005 |
Claudia Balducci | Councilmember, District 6 |
206-477-1006 |
Pete von Reichbauer |
Councilmember, District 7 |
206-477-1007 |
Teresa Mosqueda | Councilmember, District 8 |
206-477-1008 |
Reagan Dunn | Councilmember, District 9 |
206-477-1009 |
John Wilson | Assessor | 206-296-7300 |
Julie Wise | Elections Director | 206-477-4140 |
Leesa Manion | Prosecuting Attorney | 206-477-1200 |
Animals, pets, and pests
Buildings and property
- Building and property code complaints for unincorporated King County
- Property tax advisors
- Property tax assessments
- Property tax payments
- Property tax relief
- Report flooding, drainage, and water quality problems
Certificates, permits, licenses
- Birth certificates
- Concealed pistol license (CPL)
- Death certificates
- Marriage licenses
- Taxi and for-hire licenses
- Vehicle (car, truck, boat) licensing
Courts, jail, legal system
- District Court
- Jury duty
- King County Sheriff reporting (non-emergency)
- Public Defense
- Superior Court
- Superior Court Clerk
Data and information services
Governance and leadership
Health and safety
- Emergency preparedness
- Food safety
- Restaurant safety
- On-site sewage (septic) systems (Public Health)
- Plumbing and gas piping (Public Health)
Human and social services
Nature and recreation
Travel, transportation, and roads
- 24/7 Road Helpline
- King County International Airport/Boeing Field
- Road maintenance
- Metro transit comments, complaints, and lost and found
- Taxi/for-hire vehicle rider resources
- Water taxis
Waste services
- Hazardous waste
- Illegal dumping
- Garbage, recycling, compost facilities
- Wastewater treatment facilities