Archive: 2018 King County Comprehensive Plan
On October 29, 2018, the King County Council adopted Ordinance 18810, amending the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. This follows and builds on adoption of Motion 15142, the Restructure Plan for the Subarea Planning Program, on May 9, 2018. Highlights of the ordinance are summarized on the History and Archive page.
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- COMPLETE Searchable Document 2018
- Land Use Zoning Amendments 2016
- Technical Appendix A - Capital Facilities 2016
- Technical Appendix B - Housing 2016
- Technical Appendix C - Transportation 2016
- Technical Appendix D - Targets Urban Growth Area 2016
- Technical Appendix R - Public Outreach 2016
- Addendum To Vashon Town Plan 2016
- Attachment A - Real Property Asset Management Plan (RAMP) 2016
- Ordinance 18427 RAMP 2016
- Ordinance 18428 RAMP 2016
For past comprehensive plan documents, see the History and Archive.