Related phone numbers: Tax Advisor
Tax Advisor's office
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Email:
- Phone: 206-477-1060
- TTY relay: 711
- Address: 810 3rd Ave, Suite 705
Seattle, WA 98104
Property tax-related numbers
Board of Equalization
Assessor's Office
- Public Information: 206-296-7300
- Senior citizen and disabled exemptions: 206-296-3920
- Home improvement exemptions: 206-263-2338
- Farm, forest, and open space exemptions: 206-263-2374
- Destroyed property exemption: 206-263-2332
- Public Benefit Rating System, timber, and open space exemptions: 206-477-4643
Recorder's Office
- Automated tax information: 206-296-0923
- Property tax payments and billing: 206-263-2890
- Property tax foreclosure: 206-263-2649
- Appeal refunds: 206-263-1934
- Other refunds: 206-263-1933
- TTY (for hearing impaired): 1-866-788-5446