About Balanced You
In 2018, King County launched Balanced You, a fresh approach to employee health and well-being designed to meet the whole-health needs of King County’s diverse workforce. Inspired by employees, Balanced You will equip you to live healthy and safe, know and use your benefits, and find balance in life and work.
We know that health isn’t just about having a healthy body. That’s why Balanced You also focuses on having a healthy mind, a healthy way to manage money, and healthy connections to friends and family.
Balanced You brings together all the great tools, resources and programs offered by the Benefits, Payroll and Retirement Operations Section, Safety & Claims, the Employee Assistance Program and Employee Health & Well-Being to support employees so you can feel good, get the most out of life, and do your best work for the people of King County.
What happened to "Healthy Incentives"?
Balanced You is replacing the award-winning Healthy Incentives program. Balanced You is an all voluntary program designed and developed in partnership with labor and informed by employee input.
Stay connected
Please share your feedback with the team at Balanced You so we can spread good ideas, share success stories, and bring new tools to help you feel energized and be your best. The more you tell us, the better Balanced You will be!
Email: BalancedYou@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-263-9626