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Benefits summaries

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Benefits summaries

The following documents provide information about the benefit plans available to eligible King County employees. They are produced by the insurance plans and are sorted by employee benefit groups. View and download, or request paper copies by contacting Benefits, Payroll and Retirement Operations at 206-684-1556 or

Benefits Booklets provide a comprehensive description of plan benefits and how the plan operates. Benefits Booklets are provided to explain the plan’s benefits, claims procedures, and participants’ rights.

Summaries of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) provide a snapshot of a health plan’s costs, benefits, and covered services in easy-to-understand terms. They also have examples of how much you might pay out-of-pocket in three common medical situations. SBCs must follow a standard format, making it easier to compare health plans and costs.

Deputy Sheriff Employee Benefit Group

Summary of Benefits and Coverage

Benefits Booklet

SmartCare (Kaiser)

SmartCare (Kaiser)

 KingCare Select (Regence): 

Eastside Health


 UW Medicine

Virginia Mason Franciscan

 KingCare Select (Regence): 

Eastside Health


 UW Medicine

Virginia Mason Franciscan

KingCare PPO (Regence)

KingCare PPO (Regence)


TEA Employee Benefit Group

Summary of Benefits and Coverage

Benefits Booklet

SmartCare (Kaiser) 

SmartCare (Kaiser)

KingCare PPO (Regence)

KingCare PPO (Regence)

  Long-term disability

LEOFF1 Employee Benefit Group

Summary of Benefits and CoverageRegence Benefits BookletKaiser Benefits Booklet

Law Library Employee Benefit Group

Summary of Benefits and CoverageBenefits Booklet

Benefits and retirement

Phone 206-684-1556
Fax: 206-296-7700

Phone hours:
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. weekdays

Fax: 206-296-7678
