Council Amendments to the 2020 Update to the King County Comprehensive Plan
Striking Amendment S4.1 and Line Amendments, as of July 24, 2020
Pass/Fail summary of Line Amendments
Striking Amendment S4.1 and Line Amendments, as of July 21, 2020
Striking Amendment S4.1 to 2020 King County Comprehensive Plan Update
On July 17, 2020, the Mobility and Environment Chair made public Striking Amendment S4 that he expects to offer for Council consideration on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update
Summary Matrix of Striking Amendment S4.1 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Striking Amendment S4.1
Striking Amendment S4.1 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Redline version of Striking Amendment S4.1 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Attachments to Striking Amendment S4.1
Redline version of Attachment A to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Attachment B – Appendix C: Transportation
Attachment C – Appendix C1: Transportation Needs Report
Attachment D – Amendments to Land Use and Zoning Maps
Attachment E – Amendments to Shorelines of the State Map
Attachment H – Shoreline Jurisdiction Streams and Lake Segments
Attachment I – Technical Appendix S: Public Participation Summary for 2020 Update
Attachment J - Update to 2012 King County Comprehensive Plan, as adopted by Ordinance 17485
Title Amendment T4 for Striking Amendment S4.1
Proposed Line Amendments to Striking Amendment S4.1
The proposed line amendments will be made available as they are completed. The summary matrix shows those that are currently being considered by the Councilmembers. Additional line amendments may be offered.
Summary Matrix of Line Amendments to S4.1
Amendment 1 to S4.1 – Winery/Brewery/Distillery Regulations
Amendment 2A to S4.1 – Gun Retailers
Amendment 2B to S4.1 – Gun Retailers
Amendment 3 to S4.1 – Accessory Dwelling Units
Amendment 4 to S4.1 – Fossil Fuel Facilities
Amendment 5A to S4.1 – TDR/RDI Program Affordable Housing
Amendment 5B to S4.1 – TDR Affordable Housing Pilot
Amendment 6 to S4.1 – Subdivision Ingress/Egress
Amendment 7 to S4.1 – APD Mitigation
Amendment 8 to S4.1 – Snoqualmie Interchange
Amendment 9 to S4.1 – Bear Creek UPD – Prohibit Adult Entertainment Businesses
Amendment 10A to S4.1 – Bear Creek UPD – Prohibit Marijuana Businesses
Amendment 10B to S4.1 – Bear Creek UPD – Prohibit Marijuana Businesses
Amendment 11 to S4.1 – Bear Creek UPD – Buffers for Adult Entertainment and Marijuana Businesses
Amendment 12 to S4.1 – Skyway-West Hill – Marijuana Retailer Cap
Amendment 13 to S4.1 – Pacific Raceways
Striking Amendment S4 and Line Amendments, as of July 17, 2020
Striking Amendment S4 has been published, in advance of the July 21, 2020 continued public hearing before the Council. Line amendments are expected to be available on Monday, July 20.
Striking Amendment S4 to 2020 King County Comprehensive Plan Update
On July 17, 2020, the Mobility and Environment Chair made public Striking Amendment S4 that he expects to offer for Council consideration on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update.
Summary Matrix of Striking Amendment S4 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Striking Amendment S4
Striking Amendment S4 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Redline version of Striking Amendment S4 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Attachments to Striking Amendment S3
Redline version of Attachment A to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Attachment B – Appendix C: Transportation
Attachment C – Appendix C1: Transportation Needs Report
Attachment D – Amendments to Land Use and Zoning Maps
Attachment E – Amendments to Shorelines of the State Map
Attachment H – Shoreline Jurisdiction Streams and Lake Segments
Attachment I – Technical Appendix S: Public Participation Summary for 2020 Update
Attachment J - Update to 2012 King County Comprehensive Plan, as adopted by Ordinance 17485
Striking Amendment S3 and Line Amendments, as of July 7, 2020
Striking Amendment S3 and a series of line amendments to S3 have been published, in advance of the July 7, 2020 continued public hearing before the Council.
Striking Amendment S3 to 2020 King County Comprehensive Plan Update
On July 2, 2020, the Mobility and Environment Chair made public Striking Amendment S3 that he expects to offer for Council consideration on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update. This updated Striking Amendment S3 replaces Striking Amendment S2 that was made public in June 2020.
Summary Matrix of Striking Amendment S3 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Striking Amendment S3
Striking Amendment S3 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Redline version of Striking Amendment S3 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Attachments to Striking Amendment S3
Redline version of Attachment A to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Attachment B – Appendix C: Transportation
Attachment C – Appendix C1: Transportation Needs Report
Attachment D – Amendments to Land Use and Zoning Maps
Attachment E – Amendments to Shorelines of the State Map
Attachment H – Shoreline Jurisdiction Streams and Lake Segments
Attachment I – Technical Appendix S: Public Participation Summary for 2020 Update
Attachment J - Update to 2012 King County Comprehensive Plan, as adopted by Ordinance 17485
Proposed Line Amendments to Striking Amendment S3
Summary Matrix of Line Amendments to Striking Amendment S3
Amendment 1 to S3 – Finding for 2024 Update
Amendment 2 to S3 – Gun Retailers
Amendment 3 to S3 – Accessory Dwelling Units
Amendment 4 to S3 – Fossil Fuel Facilities
Amendment 5 to S3 – Cottage Housing Minimum Parking
Amendment 6 to S3 – Cottage Housing Near Transit
Amendment 7 to S3 – Subdivision Ingress
Amendment 8 to S3 – Bear Creek Prohibited Uses – Adult Entertainment
Amendment 9A to S3 – Bear Creek Prohibited Uses – Marijuana Businesses
Amendment 9B to S3 – Bear Creek Prohibited Uses – Marijuana Businesses
Amendment 10 to S3 – Bear Creek Limited Uses – Adult Entertainment and Marijuana Businesses
Amendment 11 to S3 – SWH Marijuana Retailer Cap
Striking Amendment S2 and Line Amendments, as of June 8, 2020
Striking Amendment S2 to 2020 King County Comprehensive Plan Update
On June 5, 2020, the Mobility and Environment Chair made public Striking Amendment S2 that he expects to offer for Council consideration on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update. This updated Striking Amendment S2 replaces Striking Amendment S1 that was issued in April 2020.
Striking amendment S2, which includes amendments to the Proposed Ordinance and to all attachments, are below.
Summary Matrix of Striking Amendment S2 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Striking Amendment S2 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Redline version of Striking Amendment S2 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Attachments to Striking Amendment S2
Redline version of Attachment A to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Attachment B – Appendix C: Transportation
Attachment C – Appendix C1: Transportation Needs Report
Attachment D – Amendments to Land Use and Zoning Maps
Attachment E – Amendments to Shorelines of the State Map
Attachment H – Shoreline Jurisdiction Streams and Lake Segments
Attachment I – Technical Appendix S: Public Participation Summary for 2020 Update
Attachment J - Update to 2012 King County Comprehensive Plan, as adopted by Ordinance 17485
Proposed Line Amendments to Striking Amendment S2 to 2020 King County Comprehensive Plan Update
Summary Matrix of Line Amendments to Striking Amendment S2
Amendment 1 to S2 – Finding for 2024 Update
Amendment 2 to S2 – Accessory Dwelling Units
Amendment 3 to S2 – Gun Retailers
Amendment 4 to S2 – Fossil Fuel Facilities
Amendment 5 to S2 – SWH Marijuana Retailer cap
Concepts for Striking Amendment S2 and Line Amendments
The Mobility and Environment Chair continues to work with all Councilmembers, Executive staff, and stakeholders to refine Striking Amendment S1. It is likely that the Striking Amendment will be updated and issued as Striking Amendment S2. If issued, Striking Amendment S2 will be made public prior to the June 9, 2020 public hearing at full Council.
The Mobility and Environment Chair has issued a description of the topics that continue to be under discussion for a potential Striking Amendment S2, as part of the public hearing notice.
Description of Potential Topics in S2
Mobility and Environment Committee Chair Striking Amendment S2 and Individual Line Amendments
The Mobility and Environment Chair continues to work with all Councilmembers, Executive staff, and stakeholders to refine Striking Amendment S1. It is likely that the Striking Amendment will be updated and issued as Striking Amendment S2. If issued, Striking Amendment S2 will be made public prior to the June 9, 2020 public hearing at full Council.
The Mobility and Environment Chair has issued a description of the topics that continue to be under discussion for a potential Striking Amendment S2, as part of the public hearing notice.
Description of Potential Topics in S2
Further individual line amendments will be published when they are available. The following amendment concepts, which may be incorporated into Striking Amendment S2 or offered as line amendments, have been made public, in advance of issuing specific language:
Fall City Business District Special District Overlay
Fossil Fuel and Fossil Fuel Facility
Bear Creek Urban Planned Development – Nonconforming Uses
Pacific Raceways Area Map Amendment
Updated June 2, 2020 – Area Land Use and Zoning Study
Raging River Quarry Area Map Amendment
Real Asset Property Management Plan
Equity and Social Justice Impact Analysis
Skyway-West Hill Land Use Strategy
Councilmember Zahilay issued a draft of the revised Skyway-West Hill Land Use Strategy on May 4, 2020. Councilmember Zahilay is working with Councilmembers, Executive staff and Skyway-West Hill residents to further revise the Strategy. This document will be updated in the coming weeks as part of this effort and may become a part of Striking Amendment S2 or offered as a line amendment.
The draft Skyway-West Hill Land Use Strategy and appendices are below.
DRAFT Skyway-West Hill Land Use Strategy
DRAFT Skyway-West Hill Land Use Strategy - Appendices
Map amendments affecting the Skyway-West Hill area can be found in Attachment D of Striking Amendment S1 below.
Councilmember Zahilay is requesting input from the public on the draft Land Use Strategy, which can be submitted to or by contacting Councilmember Zahilay through the District 2 office.
Mobility and Environment Committee Chair Striking Amendment S1
The Mobility and Environment Committee has not held a meeting to vote on the 2020 Update to the King County Comprehensive Plan due to the King County Executive and Washington State Governor's declarations of emergency and the Governor's and Public Health – Seattle & King County orders related to COVID-19. On April 24, 2020, the Mobility and Environment Chair made public a Striking Amendment S1 that will be used in place of a Committee-recommended substitute Proposed Ordinance.
The striking amendment, which includes amendments to the Proposed Ordinance and to some attachments, are below.
Striking Amendment S1 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
Attachment A – Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
Attachment B – Appendix C: Transportation
Attachment C – Appendix C1: Transportation Needs Report
Attachment D – Amendments to Land Use and Zoning Maps
Attachment E – Amendments to Shorelines of the State Map
Attachment H – Shoreline Jurisdiction Streams and Lake Segments
Attachment I – Technical Appendix S: Public Participation Summary for 2020 Update
Summary Matrix of Striking Amendment S1 to Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413
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If you have questions about the Council’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan process, please email
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