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Published Notices

Published Notices

Public Hearing Notice

On Wednesday, August 21, 2019, the King County Council and Department of Ecology are scheduled to hold a joint public hearing on Proposed Substitute Ordinance 2019-0143.2, relating to the 2019 periodic review of the Shoreline Master Program.

Hearing Notice and Summary of Proposed Changes

Proposed Substitute Ordinance 2019-0143.2

          Attachment A  – Amendments to Chapter 6 of the Comprehensive Plan

Amendments for Consideration

As they are made available, possible amendments that the Council may consider at the public hearing on August 21, 2019 will be posted here.

Draft Executive Requested Changes to Wetland Buffer Reductions (updated 8-19-19)

Draft Amendment Regarding Buffer Averaging (updated 8-21-19)

Draft Amendment Regarding Category IV Wetland Alterations (updated 8-21-19)

Draft Amendment Regarding Definition of Salmonids (updated 8-21-19)

Draft Amendment Regarding Recreational Catch (updated 8-21-19)

Draft Amendment Regarding Best Available Science Reporting 

SEPA Determination

On July 31, 2019, the Department of Local Services – Permitting Division, issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for Proposed Ordinance 2019-0143.2., relating to the 2019 periodic review of the Shoreline master Program, in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). For additional information on the SEPA determination, please see the linked documents.

Determination of Nonsignificance

SEPA Checklist


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