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Cougar/Squak Corridor to gain additional land through King County Funds


Metropolitan King County
Council News

Cougar/Squak Corridor to gain additional land through King County Funds


Council approves park funds for purchase


The Cougar and Squak Mountain Corridor, a 730-acre public park, will add more land through a purchase funded by the King County Parks Levy.

Metropolitan King County Council Vice Chair Reagan Dunn announced the $1 million award after the funds were unanimously approved today by the King County Council. The park expansion would not only provide more habitat for wildlife and recreation but also includes a significant regional viewpoint that can be enjoyed by the general public.

“The purchase of this property provides for a spectacular viewpoint of the surrounding area,” said Dunn. “This purchase along with the surrounding land acquired in 2014 completes the trail system, increases passive recreation and provides for more conservation of wildlife habitat.

Black bear, cougar, bobcat, pileated woodpecker, owls, and other small wildlife species depend on natural habitat found in the Cougar/Squak Corridor. The purchase of the property will expanded protected land for wildlife habitat but also provide an additional park entrance to Squak Mountain State park and additional recreational opportunities through increased trails.

Approved by County voters in 2014, the King County Parks Levy is estimated to bring in $66 million per year during the six-year span of the levy to go toward funding the maintenance and operation of King County parks.

The levy requires a Citizen Oversight Committee to makes recommendations on funding decisions, including parcels for purchase, through a competitive application process.
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