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Information for Providers

Information for Providers

Resources, information and reminders for VSHSL-funded providers


Welcome to VSHSL!

You have a couple of options for receiving King County VSHSL funding: monthly or quarterly reimbursement. Once you and your VSHSL Program Manager decide on the frequency of invoicing, and your contract has been executed, our fiscal team will create a unique invoice template for your program.

Regular payments for activities will be based on meeting the deliverables and requirements outlined in your contract. Please refer to Section V., COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT of your contract for more information. Invoices and any associated reporting requirements are due within 10 business days following the end of each payment period. Invoices will be approved and advanced for payment only after fulfillment of any specific activity or reporting requirements. Note: Insurance must be current in order for invoices to be paid.

An attribution to VSHSL through the use of the VSHSL logo and/or a statement such as, “This program receives funding from the King County Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy” should be used on all program marketing materials, digital or hardcopy, that are developed during your contracting period. If you are purchasing a vehicle with VSHSL funds, your King County Program Manager will provide you with a VSHSL-branded decal to attach to the vehicle.

To download the appropriate VSHSL logos for use in your program materials, select from the logos below:

VSHSL logo in color

Best for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and most purposes: VSHSL_logo_color.jpg

Best for high-resolution printing (requires specialized software): VSHSL_logo_color_eps.eps

VSHSL logo in grayscale

Best for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and most purposes: VSHSL_logo_grayscale.jpg

Best for high-resolution printing (requires specialized software): VSHSL_logo_grayscale_eps.eps

VSHSL logo in white

Best for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and most purposes: VSHSL_logo_white.png

Best for high-resolution printing (requires specialized software): VSHSL_logo_white_eps.eps


Performance, Measurement and Evaluation (PME) Plan

The primary purpose of the Performance Measurement and Evaluation Plan (PME Plan) is to use data to inform ongoing work, understand which activities are effective and why, and support shared and transparent responsibility for your programs’ success. This one-sheet PME Plan information document gives more detail explanation on the how and why of PME Plans.

Your VSHSL Program Manager will introduce your Performance, Measurement, and Evaluation evaluator to engage in the process of collaborating on finalizing a PME Plan.

Data Reporting

Many providers will report client-level data by submitting a file into the web-based Client Outcomes Reporting Engine (CORE). During the PME Plan process, details of CORE and your data submissions will be clarified. In most cases, outside of invoice requirements, client reporting will be quarterly and due 10 business days following the end of the quarter

Annual Narrative Reporting 

In addition to client-level reporting, you will be required to complete a narrative report by January 15 following the program year. You will receive the annual narrative reporting form in Quarter 4 of each year. If you subcontract with other agencies as part of your VSHSL program, it is your responsibility as the Primary Contractor to roll up data submitted by your subcontractors into one report. The narrative report will help us understand your operations during the previous program year, what you’re excited about, what your challenges were, and provides you an opportunity to highlight successes and client stories. See how we used previous reporting to develop the 2019 VSHSL Annual Report.

The VSHSL aims to create systems of service for veterans, seniors and resilient communities. We encourage all providers to reach out to other VSHSL-awarded providers, and also view the VSHSL-funded services to learn ways to work together, leverage shared and unique expertise, and make proper referrals to each other in order to improve the lives of those you serve every day. 

The above are highlights from your VSHSL Provider Welcome Packet. The welcome packet includes more information on contracting, general program requirements, and resources available to you as a VSHSL-funded service provider. Contact your VSHSL program manager if you have not received a welcome packet.

Contact Us

Phone 206-263-9105


TTY Relay: 711


Fax: 206-296-5260

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