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VSHSL Impact in 2019

VSHSL Impact in 2019

In 2019, VSHSL continued to prioritize community voice to inform program implementation, launched new programs that filled critical gaps in services, and strengthened partnerships within the human services system to best serve King County’s seniors, veterans and resilient communities.

Dive deeper into the data

Click on one of the result areas below to view 2019 performance measures.

What we accomplished in 2019


community planning sessions to inform the development of procurements


invested in senior centers and senior "hubs"

VSHSL Advisory Board established and fully active


invested in support of survivors of domestic and sexual violence through mobile advocacy


procurements launched for investments in all result areas


veterans received a variety of support services from the King County Veterans Program such as housing, employment, and furthering their education


King County residents who are immigrants or refugees received direct legal representation to support them in remaining in their community

Over 1,000

individuals experiencing homelessness received physical and/or behavioral health care through the Mobile Medical Program

View our 2019 Annual Report to learn more!

Individuals who are enrolled in more than one program may be duplicated in the demographic data. Data are provided only for individuals for whom demographic information is available. Counts do not include housing capital funds, provider training and support programs, information and referral call lines, Emergency Services Patrol, Best Starts for Kids partner programming, Veterans, Servicemembers and Family Community Building, and new programs in the implementation phase.
Contact Us

Phone 206-263-9105

TTY Relay: 711

Fax: 206-296-5260

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