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Withdrawal Management (Detox) Services

Withdrawal Management (Detox) Services


King County Behavioral Health and Recovery Division contracts with two facilities in King County for withdrawal management (detox) services for people in need of detox from alcohol and other drugs. Detox is a medically supervised service with the goal of safely ensuring that people are stable coming off of alcohol or drug and then transitioning them on to the appropriate ongoing care. Detox length of stay is based on medical necessity, but usually lasts three to five days.

The two detox facilities in King County are:

Recovery Place Seattle at Beacon Hill
Detox & Inpatient SUD Treatment Services
1701 18th Ave. South
Seattle, WA 98144
Phone: 253-833-7444


The goal of aftercare and continuing care is to support a person’s abstinence from previous alcohol or drug use or abuse through relapse prevention services after primary care. Aftercare is the stage following more intensive services and is meant to help achieve and maintain recovery. 

Related aftercare and relapse prevention services for individuals who are part of a treatment continuum include but are not limited to:

  • Periodic outpatient aftercare
  • Relapse/recovery groups
  • Recovery support group
  • Oxford House
  • Access to Recovery wrap around


Work is an important part of the recovery process. People who work tend to have a better self image. Being employed gives the opportunity to contribute to society, the community and the neighborhood. It offers the potential to have health insurance and allows for a sense of stability.

A number of local chemical dependency providers have resources that will help people locate work or develop new skills that will allow a recovering person to become employed. Anyone in a treatment program can contact their counselor and ask for assistance in locating work, or contact the local WorkSource office for assistance in finding work.


If a person is in outpatient treatment, they should talk with their treatment counselor, who will have a list of available housing and can help with the process.

Housing for persons recovering from alcohol and drug abuse does exist throughout Seattle and King County. Although there is no central directory that lists all the housing, below are telephone numbers and websites to help you find housing.

Washington Recovery Help Line
Crisis Intervention, Information and Referral
Crisis #: 877-789-3700
Crisis Clinic
Community Information Line - call 2-1-1 or 206-461-3200
24-Hour Crisis Line - 206-461-3222
Recovery Café
Supportive community and resource center

Agencies that offer clean and sober housing:

Pioneer Human Services
Oxford Houses
Seattle/King County Hotline - 206-528-3889
King/Snohomish Hotline - 206-517-2738
Archdiocesan Housing Authority

Websites helpful in finding affordable housing:

Housing Authorities have affordable public housing, but they have a wait list of nine months or more:

King County Housing Authority
Seattle Housing Authority
206-461- 4888
Contact Us

Phone 206-263-9000

TTY Relay: 711

Fax: 206-296-0583
