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- Forest Carbon Offset Program: DNRP is developing a formal carbon offset program that will support King County's Strategic Climate Action Plan commitment to plant One Million Trees by 2020. This program will focus on larger forest restoration projects consistent with Cascadia's recommendation to use accepted reforestation offset methodologies, and will allow DNRP to enhance its forest restoration work.
- Add Very Small Sources: The third party review identified several very small sources of emissions that should be added to DNRP’s emissions sources. Based on initial quantification, these totals are significantly less than 1,000 MTCO2e. These sources are employee commuting, business air travel, and emissions from refrigerants and fire protection equipment. DNRP is currently working to collect this data.
- Considering additional GHG removals: Cascadia's third party review recommended additional DNRP actions be counted toward DNRP's carbon neutral inventory, including recycling in unincorporated King County; carbon through growth of DNRP forests; regional trail system; and forest protection. DNRP will further explore including these GHG removals in accounting toward its Beyond Carbon Neutral commitment.