Essential personnel designations
- Solid Waste Division (SWD) staff with a No. 1 designation should arrive on site as assigned.
- All staff with a designation of No. 2 or No. 3 must call in for assignment and are expected to appear on site by the second or third day as scheduled, unless otherwise instructed.
- If the event does not affect your work location, you must report to work as assigned or scheduled.
- Non-essential (NE) staff do not need to call in or report for work if county government is closed.
- The essential personnel designation listDownload PDF , 50 K includes all SWD staff positions and their designations.
All employees should report to work as assigned or scheduled unless:
- There is a general media announcement providing instructions from the County related to your work location and work responsibilities;
- Your lead, supervisor or manager contacts you with alternative instructions;
- You are unable to travel or leave your current location due to:
- Your or your family’s safety needs
- Impassible travel routes