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Strategic Plan Update

Strategic Plan Update

Shaping the Future of King County

The Office of Performance, Strategy and Budget conducted a public engagement effort from September to December 2013 to help inform our strategic plan update by gathering feedback from King County residents.  We asked them what our priorities should be to better serve the public over the next five years. To gather meaningful input for this update, we spoke with city officials, leaders from around the county, our own employees, and the general public in workshops, Limited English Proficiency (LEP) focus groups, and through an online discussion forum.

What we heard

According to participants, making changes in the following six areas will make the most difference in the lives of people who live, work, and play in King County:

  1. Mobility - Create a seamless network of transportation options to get people where they need to go, when they need to get there.
  2. Economic Vitality - Increase access to quality job opportunities in all areas of the county for all people.
  3. Safety - Increase patrol in high crime areas, enforce laws, and enhance prevention through social services.
  4. Housing - Increase access to quality housing that is affordable and near quality job opportunities.
  5. Equity - Eliminate discrimination and create equal opportunities for everyone.
  6. Healthy Environment - Preserve open space and rural character and address threats to our environment, such as climate change.

In order to do this well, community members said that we should:

  • Coordinate for one King County - Collaborate with other local governments, businesses, and community organizations to share resources and find regional solutions that recognize local needs.
  • Engage the public meaningfully and authentically - Inform the public about county services and operations, ask what they want, listen to what they have to say, and respond to their concerns.
  • Continue efforts to be efficient and effective - Don’t lose sight of our efforts to be lean in our operations as we consider new roles for the County in solving economic, housing, discrimination, and other complex problems facing our communities.

The complete report on public input for the King County Strategic Plan can be found here.

The English and translated versions of the report summary can be found below.

We want to thank all our partner organizations and participants for helping us gather valuable feedback on how to better serve our residents.


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