Archive: 2008 Update
2008 King County Comprehensive Plan
Adopted October 6, 2008 and updated October 27, 2010
The 2008 Comprehensive Plan with 2010 Update, is listed below by section. Adopted by the King County Council October 6, 2008, the 2008 Update was the third major update to the King County Comprehensive Plan. For other comprehensive plan documents, see the Plan History and Archive.
Table of Contents
PDF* (43KB) or MS Word* (28KB)
PDF* (76KB) or MS Word* (72KB)
Chapter One - Regional Planning
PDF* (118KB) or MS Word* (131KB)
Map: Land Use 2008, PDF* (2.3MB)
Chapter Two - Urban Communities
PDF* (219KB) or MS Word* (476KB)
Map: Interim Potential Annexation Areas 2008, PDF* (2.7MB)
Map: Urban Centers 2008, PDF* (1.4MB)
Chapter Three - Rural Legacy and Natural Resource Lands
PDF* (492KB) or MS Word* (348KB)
Map: Mineral Resources 2008, PDF* (1.5MB)
Table: Mineral Resources property information for the Mineral Resources map, PDF* (21KB)
Map: Agriculture and Forest Lands 2008, PDF* (1.7MB)
Chapter Four - Environment
PDF* (220KB) or MS Word* (373KB)
Map: Wildlife Habitat Network and Public Ownership 2008, PDF* (3.1MB)
Chapter Five - Shoreline Master Program - Reserved
Chapter Six - Parks, Open Space and Cultural Resources
PDF* (502KB) or MS Word* (474KB)
Map: King County's Open Space System 2008, PDF* (2.6MB)
Chapter Seven - Transportation
PDF* (163KB) or MS Word* (185KB)
Chapter Eight - Services, Facilities and Utilities
PDF* (351KB) or MS Word* (243KB)
Chapter Nine - Economic Development
PDF* (261KB) or MS Word* (107KB)
Chapter Ten - Community Plans
PDF* (204KB) or MS Word* (159KB)
Chapter Eleven - Implementation
PDF* (82KB) or MS Word* (65KB)
PDF* (107KB) or MS Word* (142KB)
Map Amendments Table of Contents
PDF* (47KB) or MS Word* (27KB)
Map Amendments 1 - 23
PDF* (4.8MB) or MS Word* (7.6MB)
Map Amendments 24 - 31
PDF* (1.2MB) or MS Word* (2.9MB)
Technical Appendices
Technical Appendix A - Capital Facilities
PDF* (123KB) or MS Word* (167KB)
Technical Appendix B - Housing
PDF* (411KB) or MS Word* (4.5MB)
Technical Appendix C - Transportation
- Cover and Table of Contents
- I. Arterial Functional Classification
- II. Transportation Inventory
- III. King County Travel Demand Forecasting Model
- A. Network Development
- B. 2022 Committed Network Projects
- C. Land Use Data Development Process
- D. Y2000 and Y2022 Households and Jobs by KC Model Zone
- E. Productions and Attractions by Trip Type, by Model Zone
- F. 2022 PM Peak Hour Volumes, King County Arterials and
G. 2022 PM Peak Hour Volumes, State Facilities
- IV. Transportation Needs Report
Technical Appendix D - Growth targets and the Urban Growth Area
PDF* (172KB) or MS Word* (218KB)
2008 Comprehensive Plan Update SEPA documents
- State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination of Significance
- Addendum to existing environmental documents for the 2008 amendments to the King County Comprehensive Plan
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