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Metro infographic sources

Metro infographic sources

Transit moves people better.

One full bus carries the same number of people as 60+ cars:
  • King County Metro Transit - Based on the capacity of 40- and 60-foot buses, "maximum capacity" of 40-foot coaches is between 53-63 while "maximum capacity" of 60-foot coaches is between 87-96.

Mobility is now the #1 concern of people in our region.

Mobility is the top concern of people in King County:
We spend 34 minutes in traffic delays during every peak commute hour:
We are stuck in traffic 83 hours every year:

Even more people are coming to King County.

King County has a population of more than 2 million people:
There are 1.3 million jobs in King County:
We expect 30% more people to live here by 2040:

Other key PSRC resources:

Options to get more people, more places, more often.

89% of Metro riders own a car and choose to ride the bus:

Choosing Metro maximizes the roads we have.

Transit takes 175,000 cars off the road each weekday:

Metro provides 400,000 rides each weekday:

Demand for Metro bus service is growing:

Metro connects people to jobs.

Two-thirds of downtown Seattle's workers are choosing better ways to commute than driving alone:
During peak commute hours, Metro frees up the equivalent of 7 lanes of traffic:
  • King County Metro Transit - Based on PM peak hour ridership on I-405, I-5, I-90, SR-99, and average hourly person throughput on each highway, assuming automobile occupancy is 1.1 persons.
Metro operates the nation's largest public vanpool program:
More than 1,600 local companies contract with Metro for employee bus passes:

Metro protects the environment.

Metro operates the nation's second-largest fleet of zero-emission electric buses:
Transit takes 175,000 cars off the road each weekday:
Metro net annual impacts - 70 million gallons of gasoline saved:
Enough gas saved to power driving habits of households in Bellevue and Kent for a year:
Metro net annual impacts - 1.4 billion fewer vehicle miles logged on local roads:
Metro net annual impacts - 600,000 fewer metric tons of CO2 released into the air:

Metro provides transit for all of us.

Metro's commitment to social equity:

76% of low-income households in King County are within 1/4 mile of a bus stop:

77% of jobs in King County are within 1/4 mile of a bus stop:
Local colleges where 150,000 students attend are within 1/4 mile of a bus stop:
Access transportation provided 1.5 million rides in 2013:
Using transit saves you $1,000 per month (in Seattle):

What's next for transit in our region?

Metro will collect $1.2 billion less in sales tax than was projected for 2009-15:
Metro had an 85% customer satisfaction rating in 2013:
Ridership on Metro's RapidRide lines is up 40% and are far outpacing the bus routes they replaced:
King County Executive
Dow Constantine
Dow constantine portrait

Read the Executive's biography
