Secondhand dealers
King County business licenses
If you purchase, sell, trade, barter, sell on consignment, install, or otherwise exchange secondhand goods within unincorporated King County, a Secondhand Dealer's License is required (Title 6 of the King County Code). Goods excluded include used motor vehicles and boats.
Potential businesses requiring a Secondhand License include antique shops, consignment shops, repair garages, and any business engaged in the sale of used or re-manufactured items.
Auctions and auctioneers are regulated by the State of Washington. For information, contact the Washington State Department of Licensing - Auctioneers external link at 360-753-4401.
The license fee for each secondhand business location in unincorporated King County is $40 per year. License fees for less than one year are prorated quarterly.
Approval is required by the Department of Local Services, Permitting Division (Permitting) to ensure compliance with all applicable fire, building and zoning codes of King County.
Approval also is required by the King County Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff's Office reviews all applications and may require special reporting depending on the nature and type of secondhand goods you deal in.
To apply, complete the Secondhand Dealer License Application form. For more information, contact Permitting customer service at 206-296-6600 or email