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Blueprint for the Restoration and Enhancement of Lake Sammamish Kokanee Tributaries

Blueprint for the Restoration and Enhancement of Lake Sammamish Kokanee Tributaries

Cover, Blueprint for the Restoration and Enhancement of Lake Sammamish Kokanee Tributaries

The Blueprint for the Restoration and Enhancement of Lake Sammamish Kokanee Tributaries recommends a new set of restoration actions that build on the latest science and current efforts to move the Lake Sammamish kokanee salmon population closer to recovery. It is critical to have sufficient habitat restored to support a robust, self-sustaining population, particularly once the supplementation program is discontinued by 2021.

The Lake Sammamish Kokanee Work Group (KWG) is first focusing on securing the existing, known native kokanee population and the stream habitats it currently relies upon to maintain its existence. Therefore, the geographic scope of this document encompasses the Lake Sammamish basin, which includes the lake and its tributaries. Over the long term, the KWG may expand the Blueprint to address a broader geography to further restore and sustain all the native kokanee populations. The Blueprint offers a set of habitat restoration actions that directly contribute to the recovery of kokanee salmon in Lake Sammamish..

This blueprint is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Download here:

Full documentBlueprint for the Restoration and Enhancement of Lake Sammamish Kokanee Tributaries (12.1 Mb)

Kokanee Blueprint handout (974 Kb)


For more information about the Blueprint for the Restoration and Enhancement of Lake Sammamish Kokanee Tributaries, please contact Alison Agness, Kokanee Recovery Manager, WLRD Regional Partnerships Unit.
