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Agriculture documents King County, Washington

Agriculture documents King County, Washington

Snoqualmie Valley Agricultural Production District Riparian Restoration and Agriculture Partnership Building Reach Scale Plan (11.2 MB)

Final Report of the King County Farms and Food Roundtable
Report outlining recommendations to preserve additional farmland in King County and increase market and distribution for local farmers.

Conceptual Draft Manual of Best Management Practices for Maintenance of Agricultural Waterways in King County
originally published in June, 2010, this document lays out our thinking to date on how to dredge agricultural waterways while protecting salmon and water quality.

Farmers Market Report
Identifies financial challenges facing farmers markets that impact their viability and proposes changes to help strengthen operations and facilitate farmer access to the markets.

FARMS Report - Future of Agriculture Realizing Meaningful Solutions
Report describes the findings of a study that determining what measures King County and other agencies should take to ensure the continued success of local agriculture.

Snoqualmie Flood-Farm Task Force Report
Provides finding and recommended mechanisms to help Snoqualmie Valley farms that get periodically flooded, in ways that maintain good floodplain management and continue salmon recovery in the lower Snoqualmie River.

  • Construction of farm pads on Snoqualmie Valley farms
    Notice of determination of non-significance under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)

Farm and Forest Report, 1996
Strategies for preserving working farms and forests in rural King County to promote health and stability of the regional economy.
