The King County Sheriff's Office (KCSO) employs over 1,000 sworn and professional staff who provide law enforcement services to people in King County. Our organization is divided into the Office of the Sheriff and four divisions so that residents have easy access to the people and services they need.

Office of the Sheriff
The Office of the Sheriff includes the Sheriff, Undersheriff, Chief of Staff, and the Legal Unit.
The Sheriff’s Office provides support services to other divisions, regional services, and contract police service to Contract cities, and the King County Metro Transit Division, Sound Transit, and the King County International Airport.
Community Programs and Services Division (CPSD)
This division offers a unique perspective to law enforcement to include the development of community programs and to integrate equity & social justice (ESJ) into the work of the Sheriff’s Office. This division incorporates Communications, Community Engagement, Media Relations, the Contracting Unit, and the Community Service Officers. Additionally, this division is leading the Sheriff’s Office charge to expand the co-responder model throughout King County.
Digital Media and Communications
Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Public Information Officer / Media Relations
Criminal Investigations Division (CID)
This division includes: Major Investigations Section, Special Investigations Section, and AFIS (Regional Automated Fingerprint Identification System) and all aspects of fingerprint identification. The division serves residents with follow-up investigative, warrant, and intelligence gathering services. Specifically, it investigates crimes including homicide, domestic violence, computer fraud, forgery, sexual assault, and more. CID also addresses child support enforcement issues and the unit that handles civil process.
Jail ID
Latent Examiners
Tenprint Info Specialists
Criminal Intel
Digital Forensics
Gun Violence Reduction
Major Accident Response and Reconstruction (MARR)
Registered Sex Offender and Sexual Assault
Special Assault (Domestic Violence, Elder Crimes, Victim Advocate)
Special Operations Division (SOD)
This division includes a majority of the department's specialty units:
Patrol Operations Division (POD)
This division manages the core functions of patrol, precinct-based detectives, crime prevention, storefronts, and reserve deputies. North (Sammamish), Southeast (Burien) and Southwest (Maple Valley) Precincts allow for better community-based responses because the precinct commanders can use local data to direct law enforcement services. Day-to-day management of contract city police and school resource officers are the responsibility of this division.
Support Services Division (SSD)
This division manages professional and limited commissioned staff, including emergency 9-1-1 call receiving and dispatching, Budget/Finance Office, Courthouse Security Marshals/Screeners, Grants, Human Resources and Backgrounds, Payroll, Procurement, Property (Evidence) Management, Public Disclosure, Legal and Records, Technology and Computer Support, Training.
Emergency 9-1-1 Communications Center