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FLASH preview materials for middle and high school lesson plans

Lesson summaries, learning objectives, and activities for each High School FLASH lesson


The climate-setting lesson begins by reviewing the FLASH Bill of Rights and collaboratively developing ground rules to ensure a climate of safety and respect. Students participate in a 4 Corners exercise to engage in FLASH prevention messages. The teacher leads the class in developing anonymous questions, which will be answered throughout the rest of unit. The lesson concludes with homework expectations, focusing on the role of family homework as an avenue to promote family communication about these topics.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  • List classroom ground rules that promote safety and respect.
  • Analyze factors that influence the decision to abstain from sex.
  • Analyze factors that influence the use of condoms and birth control.
  • Support others to make positive and healthy decisions about abstinence, birth control, condoms and relationships.

Activity Outline

  • Warm up
  • Introduce FLASH
  • Set classroom expectations
  • 4 Corner exercise
  • Anonymous questions
  • Homework expectations
  • Exit ticket


Using visuals, the teacher describes the external and internal reproductive organs, while students follow on their worksheets. The teacher also describes the main components of the sexual response system. The class concludes by identifying organs and structures with similar roles.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Name the parts of the human reproductive system.
  2. Describe the path of an egg during the menstrual cycle.
  3. Describe the path of a sperm during ejaculation.
  4. Recognize that there is a wide range of normal anatomy.
  5. Name the 3 main components of sexual response.

Activity Outline

  • Warm up
  • Purpose of lesson
  • Describe reproductive organs
  • Define sexual response terminology
  • Wrap up lesson
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


The teacher uses visuals to describe the main processes related to pregnancy. The class brainstorms the early signs of pregnancy and discusses local pregnancy testing resources. The lesson concludes with a game to review content.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Identify the laws related to reproductive and sexual health care services.
  2. Describe the signs of pregnancy.
  3. Describe prenatal practices that can contribute to or threaten a healthy pregnancy.
  4. Access medically accurate information about pregnancy, pregnancy options and prenatal care services.


  • Warm up
  • Purpose of lesson
  • Process of conception
  • Early signs of pregnancy and testing
  • 9 Months of pregnancy
  • Review game
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Students differentiate between assigned sex, sexual orientation, sexual behavior and gender identity by matching definition strips to terms on papers hung around the room. Next, they view a short video that illustrates the ways society places expectations on people to be heterosexual. The teacher leads a class discussion to follow up, covering the ways that these expectations and pressures can be harmful to all people. Finally, students analyze a fictional advice column and apply the content they have covered in class by analyzing the response and offering their own advice.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Differentiate between assigned sex, sexual orientation and gender identity.
  2. Summarize ways that society places expectations on people to be heterosexual, cisgender, and to conform to gender norms.
  3. Summarize ways to show courtesy and respect for others whose aspects of sexuality are different from one's own.


  • Warm up
  • Purpose of lesson and tone
  • Definitions activity
  • Video and discussion
  • Advice column
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Students begin by defining the word stereotype, and then complete a "gender box" activity in which they identify stereotypes and expectations placed on people because of their gender. Afterward, students analyze the pressures placed on people to conform to these expectations, including the role of harassment and homophobia. Students complete a scenario activity to identify ways these stereotypes and expectations influence people's real-life behaviors. They conclude by challenging the stereotypes and identifying healthier options. After the lesson, the teacher administers a Sexual Attitudes Survey, the results of which will be shared during Lesson 7: Coercion and Consent.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Analyze the influence of friends, family, media, society and culture on the expression of gender.
  2. Analyze how peers and perceptions of norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors and relationships.
  3. Name at least one way in which gender stereotypes may limit one's ability to make healthy


  • Warm up
  • Introduce lesson
  • Define stereotypes
  • Gender box brainstorm
  • Analyze gender pressure
  • Scenario activity
  • Sexual attitudes survey
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


The lesson begins with students identifying how they want to be treated by a girlfriend or boyfriend. They then review the signs of healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships, and practice identifying these signs in two relationship vignettes. The lesson concludes with student volunteers acting out a communication skills demonstration, while the rest of the class offers advice to the actors, applying the skills learned in the lesson.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Summarize the qualities of a healthy dating relationship.
  2. Demonstrate effective strategies to avoid or end an unhealthy relationship.
  3. Demonstrate effective communication strategies to prevent, manage or resolve interpersonal conflicts.


  • Warm up
  • Introduce lesson
  • Lead group activity
  • Analyze scenarios
  • Communication skills demonstration
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Students review the results of the Sexual Attitudes Survey from Lesson 5 in order to set social norms that do not support sexual violence. The teacher then leads a class discussion to generate definitions of sexual assault, coercion and consent, followed by a discussion about the potential problems caused by power imbalances and age differences. Students conclude by working on scenarios in small groups, determining if consent is or is not present.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Define sexual consent and explain its implications for sexual decision making.
  2. Analyze techniques that are used to coerce or pressure someone to have sex.
  3. Describe potential impacts of power differences within sexual relationships.
  4. Explain why it is an individual's responsibility to verify that all sexual contact is consensual.
  5. Summarize why individuals have the right to refuse sexual contact.
  6. Explain why it is wrong to trick, threaten, or coerce another person into having sex.


  • Warm up
  • Purpose of lesson
  • Share survey results
  • Define terms
  • Review laws
  • Discuss power and age differences
  • Facilitate scenarios activity
  • Summarize
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Students brainstorm online and digital technology resources used by teens, and what those resources are used for. They evaluate their brainstorm to determine the potentially positive and negative roles of technology and social media. The teacher leads a discussion about sexual violence, specifically as it relates to technology, and then students use a research-based list of "online behaviors to avoid" to identify risky behaviors in a series of scenarios involving online communication.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Evaluate the potentially positive and negative roles of technology and social media in relationships.
  2. Describe strategies to use social media safely, legally and respectfully.
  3. Analyze the effect of technology on personal and community sexual health practices and behaviors.


  • Warm up
  • Introduce lesson / technology brainstorm
  • Evaluate brainstorm
  • Discuss sexual violence
  • Scenarios activity
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Students define abstinence and learn the steps to refusing effectively. In small groups, they practice using refusal skills and observe their peers modeling effective refusal skills.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Define abstinence.
  2. Demonstrate effective use of refusal skills.
  3. Analyze influences that may have an impact on deciding to be abstinent.


  • Warm up
  • Definition of abstinence
  • Refusal skills
  • Refusal skills scenarios – large group
  • Refusal skills scenarios – small group
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Small groups are each assigned to write a commercial for a different method of birth control, using Birth Control Fact Sheets for reference. The small groups take turns performing their 2- minute commercial for the class, while observers identify two important points about each method on the Commercial Watchers Worksheet. The class summarizes main points after each commercial. The lesson concludes by having students evaluate the "best method," justifying their conclusions with accurate medical information.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Summarize how to prevent pregnancy and STDs.
  2. Summarize the importance of using birth control and condoms correctly and consistently.
  3. Explain the value of using condoms at the same time as another form of birth control.
  4. Explain the importance of contraceptive counseling and services if having vaginal sex.
  5. Define emergency contraception and how it works.
  6. Identify the laws related to getting birth control and STD services.
  7. Know how to access medically-accurate information about birth control and condoms.
  8. Evaluate the effectiveness of using condoms and birth control in preventing pregnancy and the spread of STDs and HIV.


  • Warm up
  • Purpose of lesson
  • Birth control effectiveness exercise
  • Birth control commercials and wrap-up
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Students complete sentence stems on graffiti sheets to learn key concepts about STDs, including transmission, consequences and prevention. The teacher leads a condom demonstration exercise so students can learn the steps to using a condom correctly. The lesson concludes with students setting personal goals that will help them avoid getting or giving an STD.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Describe common symptoms of and treatments for STDs, including HIV.
  2. Explain the importance of STD and HIV testing and counseling if sexually active.
  3. Describe the steps to using a condom correctly.
  4. Develop a plan to attain a personal goal to avoid or reduce the risk of contracting an STD.
  5. Make a commitment to practice healthy sexual behaviors.


  • Warm up
  • Purpose of lesson
  • Graffiti sheet activity
  • Condom demonstration
  • Journaling activity
  • Exit ticket


This lesson begins with a brief overview of HIV and other STDs, focusing on prevention, transmission, symptoms and consequences. Students then brainstorm reasons someone might not use condoms, and solutions to those problems. They also brainstorm a list of the benefits of condoms. The teacher then demonstrates correct condom use to the class, and students have the opportunity to practice correct condom use skills.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Summarize how HIV is transmitted.
  2. Summarize the importance of using condoms consistently and correctly to reduce the risk of pregnancy and HIV/STD infection.
  3. Describe the steps to using a condom correctly.


  • Warm up
  • Purpose of lesson and HIV/STD overview
  • Brainstorm condom barriers, solutions and benefits
  • Discuss effectiveness of condoms
  • Demonstration and practice of condoms
  • Summarize
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


In this lesson, students do Internet research to learn about testing for HIV and other STDs in their community. Based on their findings, they write advice to fictional students to help build skill and comfort in getting an STD test.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Access valid and reliable information about local STD and HIV testing and treatment services.
  2. Explain the importance of testing for STDs, including HIV, if sexually active.
  3. Advocate for sexually active youth to get testing and treatment for STDs including HIV.
  4. Use strategies to overcome barriers to testing for STDs, including HIV.


  • Warm up
  • Purpose of lesson and HIV review quiz
  • Research local testing resources
  • Writing advice about STD testing
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Students review communication skills covered in previous lessons, and read a list of gist-based statements about sexual health derived from material covered throughout the FLASH curriculum. Students then work individually, in small groups, and finally as a whole class to use their communication skills and gist-based statements to make and communicate sexual health- related decisions. They express support for their peers' effective use of communication skills, reinforcing healthy norms and increasing self-efficacy.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Demonstrate effective communication skills to promote sexual health and healthy relationships.
  2. Choose a healthy alternative when making a sexual health-related decision.
  3. Apply a decision-making model to various situations relating to sexual health.


  • Warm up
  • Introduce lesson
  • Introduce communication and refusal skills
  • Communication skills activity
  • Summarize
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


This final lesson asks students to create a social norms campaign in order to impact the larger school environment. Students work in groups to make posters that dispel commonly held misperceptions and replace them with accurate statements. Posters are then displayed in the school, helping to reshape social norms that support healthy behavior.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Encourage the school environment to promote the health of others.
  2. Persuade and support others to avoid or reduce risky sexual behaviors.
  3. Use peer and societal norms to formulate health enhancing messages about avoiding or reducing risky sexual behaviors.


  • Warm up
  • Purpose of lesson
  • Explain social norms campaign
  • Introduce social norms statements
  • Students make posters
  • Summarize
  • Exit ticket

Lesson summaries, learning objectives, and activities for each Middle School FLASH lesson


An overview of basic reproductive organs and their functions is provided in a lecture format, while students follow along on a worksheet. Small groups compete for points by answering questions related to pregnancy and the reproductive system. The lesson concludes with an explanation of FLASH Family Homework.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Describe basic reproductive organs and their functions.
  2. Describe conception and its relation to the menstrual cycle.
  3. Describe the signs and symptoms of pregnancy.


  • Warm up
  • Purpose of lesson
  • Review reproductive system and conception
  • Reproductive system and pregnancy game
  • Explain homework
  • Exit ticket


Students learn the definition of identity and the importance of feeling positively about our identities. Sexual orientation and gender identity are introduced as two categories of identity held by everyone. Students learn common terms and foundational information related to these concepts through small- and large-group activities. They discuss strategies that help people develop pride in any of their identities and practice applying these strategies to a scenario about sexual orientation and gender identity.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Explain that everyone has a gender identity and a sexual orientation, and differentiate between them.
  2. Communicate respectfully with and about people of all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations.
  3. Explain why it's important for people to feel proud of their identities, including their sexual orientation and gender identity.


  • Warm up
  • Introduction to identity
  • Definitions activity
  • Common questions activity
  • Developing pride in our identities
  • Scenario activity
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Students brainstorm common behaviors, both positive and negative, for each step of dating. Acting as the Teen Dating Commission, they work in small groups to develop dating rules that would result in healthier relationships. Students vote for their favorite new rules, setting positive norms for healthy dating behaviors.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Explain the qualities of a healthy dating relationship.
  2. Collaborate with others to advocate for safe, respectful, and equitable relationships.


  • Warm up
  • Introduce topic
  • Brainstorm and debrief dating behaviors
  • Review state laws on relationships and sex
  • Presidential Teen Dating Commission activity
  • Discuss Dating Commission activity
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Students define abstinence and learn the steps to refusing effectively. In small groups, they practice using refusal skills and observe their peers modeling effective refusal skills.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Define sexual abstinence as it relates to pregnancy and STD prevention.
  2. Demonstrate effective peer refusal skills to avoid sexual risk behaviors.


  • Warm up
  • Definition of abstinence
  • Refusal skills
  • Refusal skill scenario – large group
  • Refusal skill scenarios – small group
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


Students review STD transmission by doing a True/False activity. Working in pairs or triads, they use a persuasion map to develop convincing argument about preventing STDs. Then pairs/triads create STD prevention Public Service Announcements for social media and share them with the class.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Describe the benefits of sexual abstinence as the safest, most effective risk avoidance method of protection from STDs.
  2. Describe the benefits of condoms in reducing the risk of STDs.
  3. Describe the benefits of testing in reducing the spread of STDs.
  4. State a health-enhancing position on the prevention of STDs supported with medically accurate information.
  5. Collaborate with others to advocate for behaviors that prevent STDs.


  • Warm up
  • Introduce topic and warm-up answer key
  • Testing locations
  • STD review exercise
  • Persuasion maps
  • Public service announcements
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


The lesson focuses on encouraging the correct use of condoms for students who may need condoms now or in the future. The lesson opens with a brainstorm about the benefits of condoms, and sets positive norms for condom use. Students learn correct condom use by assembling condom instructions in the correct order and by observing a teacher demonstration. In small groups, students come up with solutions to common problems related to correct and consistent condom use by responding to scenarios. The lesson concludes with students setting their own goals with regard to condoms.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Describe how condoms can reduce the risk of HIV and other STDs.
  2. Describe how condoms can reduce the risk of pregnancy.
  3. Describe the steps to using a condom correctly.


  • Warm up
  • Brainstorm benefits and set norm
  • Condom card line-up
  • Condom demonstration
  • Condom solutions
  • Goal setting
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket


The overall purpose of the lesson is for students to learn about birth control methods while developing positive attitudes and positive peer norms about birth control. Students first work in small groups to study their assigned method of birth control. In a full-class activity, the teacher reads aloud a statement about birth control and each small group must determine if the statement is true for their method. There is brief class discussion between statements. The class concludes with students making observations about the positive aspects of the different methods of birth control.

Student Learning Objectives

The student will be able to...

  1. Describe how birth control methods can reduce the risk of pregnancy.
  2. Define emergency contraception and its use.
  3. Describe the benefits of birth control methods.
  4. Identify resources for reproductive and sexual healthcare services.


  • Warm up
  • Introduce the lesson
  • Birth control study groups
  • "The truth about birth control" activity
  • Complete the sentence
  • Assign homework
  • Exit ticket

These summaries are also available in PDF format:
