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Public Rules

Public Rules

A public rule refers to any department order, directive, or regulation applicable to King County citizens which has the force of law. The violation of these rules subjects a person outside of county employment to a penalty or payment of a fee.

Prior to the approval of each public rule, the public is given the opportunity to provide comment. Public rules become effective 30 days after the date of filing with the Archives and Records Management Section, and remain in effect until they are superseded by another public rule, or are rescinded. See King County Code 2.98.010 for more information.



Document Code Number Sponsoring Agency Title Effective Date
ACO-8-24-PR Department of Human Resources Emergency Rule for Nonprofits Applying to Employee Giving Program 6/8/2020
ACO-8-26-1-PR Department of Public Health Required Protective Measures Against COVID-19 in Food Establishments 12/7/2020
CON 7-15-1 (PR) Executive Administration Rules Implementing Equal Benefits Ordinance 14823, and Ordinance 16856 1/30/2011
CON 7-20 (PR) DES / FBOD / Procurement and Contract Services Suspension and Debarment (PR) 1/23/2015
CON 7-21 (PR) DES / FBOD / Procurement and Payables Rules Implementing Living Wage Ordinance 17909 (PR) 12/16/2015
CPM 11-1-1-PR
Department of Community and Human Services CPM11-1-PR Repeal (Establishing Veteran's Advisory Board)  4/10/21
CPM 14-1 (PR) Executive Administration / Office of Civil Rights and Compliance Standard Operating Procedures for Fair Housing Ordinance Enforcement 4/5/1993
CPM 14-2 (PR) Department of Community and Health Services Procedures and Qualifications for School Impact Fee and Roads Mitigation Payment 11/10/2010
King County Elections King County Local Voters' Pamphlet Administrative Rules 12/10/2021
King County Elections King County Election Polling Places: Use of Facility for Purposes other than Voting 1/15/2021
King County Elections Campaign Contribution Limitations with Respect to Political Campaigns for County Offices 1/15/2021
King County Elections Routing of Local Jurisdiction Geographical Boundary Information 1/15/2021
Department of Natural Resources and Parks Permit Requirements and Procedures for Professional Dog Service Business Use of Parks and Recreation 1/8/2021
FES-7-2-1-PR King County Metro Transit Pricing, Enforcement and Requirements for Renewal of HOV and SOV Parking Permits 10/12/2019
FES-7-3-1-PR DES/ Facilities Management Division Animals in King County owned and leased buildings 5/13/2024
FHT-1-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle Reimbursement for Transportation Network Company Vehicle Owners and Drivers from the Wheelchair Accessible Services Fund  7/1/2024

DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle

Reimbursement for Taxicab and For-Hire Vehicle Owners and Drivers from the Wheelchair Accessible Services Fund  7/1/2024
FHT-3-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle  Dual Medallion Splitting  7/1/2024
FHT-4-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle Temporarily Deactivating a Medallion  7/1/2024
FHT-5-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle Evidence of Vehicle Insurance and Changes to Insurance Requirements  7/1/2024
FHT-6-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle Uniform Color Schemes and Exterior and Interior Markings for Vehicles  7/1/2024
FHT-7-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle Uniform Vehicle Safety Inspections for Taxicabs and For-Hire Vehicles  7/1/2024
FHT-8-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle Taximeters and Smart Taximeters/td>  7/1/2024
FHT-9-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle  Vehicle Size and Fuel  9/20/2024
 FHT-11-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle Wheelchair Accessible Services Surcharge for Taxicab and For-Hire Vehicle Medallion Owners 9/20/2024 
FHT-12-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle

Application Dispatch Systems Used by Transportation Network Companies

FHT-13-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle Application Dispatch Systems Used by Transitional Regional Dispatch Agencies and Regional Dispatch Agencies  9/20/2024
FHT-14-2024-PR DES/Records and Licensing Services Division with the City of Seattle Taxicab and For-Hire Vehicle Medallion Leases  9/20/2024
Department of Natural Resources and Parks/Water and Land Resources Division Debt Service Collection 3/12/2021
FIN-8-5-1-PR  Department of Natural Resources and Parks/Water and Land Resources Division  Surface Water Management (SWM) Fee Protocols  3/12/2021 
King County Department of Executive Services and Seattle Department of Finance and Administrative Services Reimbursement from the Wheelchair Accessible Services Fund 1/7/2022
FIN 11-1-2-PR Department of Local Services, Permitting Division Repeal of DDES Financial Policies Protocol 6/2/2019
LIC 8-1 (PR) Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services Procedures to Annually License Methadone Programs in King County 12/15/1994
LIC 8-2-1-PR Department of Executive Services/Records and Licensing Services Division Rule to Repeal For-Hire Driver Requirements and Standards - Written Examination 12/24/2020
LIC 8-3-1-PR Department of Executive Services/Records and Licensing Services Division Rule to Repeal Testing Alternative Ways of Restructuring Taxi Associations 12/24/2020
Department of Executive Services/Records and Licensing Services Division  Taximeters  11/22/2021
Department of Executive Services/Records and Licensing Services Division  Application Dispatch Systems  11/22/2021
LIC-8-6-PR  Department of Executive Services/Records and Licensing Services Division  Temporary Changes to Insurance Requirements for Taxicabs and For-Hire Vehicles 11/22/2021
Department of Executive Services/Records and Licensing Services Division Temporary Fuel Surcharges Authorized for Taxicabs 08/12/2022
LUD 8-1 (PR) Department of Information and Administrative Services/Records and Elections Division Proposing Municipal Incorporations 6/23/1998
LUD 12-1 (PR) Department of Natural Resources and Parks Procedures for Considering Public Safety When Placing Wood in King County Rivers 4/30/2010
Department of Local Services and Department of Natural Resources and Parks Critical Areas: Designation, Classification and Mapping of Channel Migration Zones 3/14/2022
PRE 8-1-1-PR
Department of Human Resources King County Employee Giving Program 4/1/2021
PUT-7-1-6-PR Department of Natural Resources and Parks/Solid Waste Division Waste Acceptance Rule 9/14/2017
PUT 7-2-2-PR
Department of Natural Resources and Parks/Solid Waste Division Repeal of Waste Clearance Policies for King County Solid Waste Division Solid Waste Facilities 3/21/21
PUT 7-4-1 (PR) Department of Natural Resources and Parks/Solid Waste and Wastewater Treatment Divisions Administrative Appeal of Issuance of DNS and of Adequacy of Final Environmental Impact Statement 4/19/2006
Department of Natural Resources and Parks Surface Water Design Manual 7/23/2021
PUT 8-7 (PR) Department of Public Works/Surface Water Management Division Beaver Lake Management Plan 6/8/1995
Department of Natural Resources and Parks Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual 7/23/2021
PUT 8-9 (PR) Department of Natural Resources/Surface Water Management Division Lake Desire Management Plan 7/18/1996
PUT 8-10 (PR) Department of Natural Resources/ Water and Land Resources Division Cottage Lake Management Plan 2/4/1998
PUT 8-11-1-PR
Department of Natural Resources/Water and Land Resources Division Wetland Mitigation Banking Program, Repeal  2/3/2022
PUT-8-13-2-PR Department of Natural Resources and Parks/Wastewater Treatment Division Industrial Waste Local Discharge Limits 12/23/2020
PUT-8-14-1-PR Department of Natural Resources and Parks/Wastewater Treatment Division Discharge of Construction Wastewater to the Sanitary Sewer 12/23/2020
PUT 8-15-1-PR Department of Natural Resources and Parks/Wastewater Treatment Division Discharge of Contaminated Groundwater to the Sanitary Sewer 12/23/2020
PUT 8-16-1-PR Department of Natural Resources and Parks/Wastewater Treatment Division Discharge of Cooling Water into the Sanitary Sewer 12/23/2020
PUT 8-17-1-PR
Department of Natural Resources: Water and Land Division Right-of-Way and Drainage Facility Inspection Fees, Repeal 2/3/2022
PUT 8-19-2 (PR) Department of Natural Resources and Parks Forest Stewardship Plans 3/13/2015
PUT 8-20 (PR) Department of Natural Resources and Department of Development and Environmental Services Rural Stewardship Plans 2/24/2005
PUT 8-21 (PR) Department of Natural Resources and Department of Development and Environmental Services Farm Management Plans 2/24/2005
PUT 8-22-1-PR Department of Natural Resources and Parks/Wastewater Treatment Division Discharge of Hauled Waste at at a King County Publicly Owned Treatment Works 12/23/2020
PUT-8-23-PR Department of Natural Resources and Parks Stormwater Enforcement 2/23/2018
PUT-8-24-PR Department of Natural Resources and Parks Industrial Waste Fees 7/1/2019
PUT 9-1 (PR) Department of Executive Administration/Office of Cable Communications Rules Regarding Cable Television Rate Regulation 1/28/1994
PUT 10-2-2-PR Department of Local Services, Road Services Division Procedures for Requesting Variances from the King County Roads Design and Construction Standards 12/17/2020
PUT 10-3-4-PR Department of Local Services, Road Services Division Intersection Standards 12/17/2020
RPM-9-2-PR Department of Executive Services / Facilities Management Division Rules for Determining Franchise Compensation Under K.C.C. 6.27.080 1/29/2018
RPM-14-1-1-PR Department of Local Services/Roads Services Division Rule Repealing Permit Procedure for Overhead Utility Installations Within Existing or Proposed King County Right-of-Way 11/17/2020