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Green Building Team in King County, WA

Green building team

The Green Building Team has one shared goal, to provide support for and promote the implementation of the Green Building Ordinance. The ordinance, adopted in 2008, charges King County departments with incorporating the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) rating system as the standard for all projects. Consisting of representatives from King County Departments including Natural Resources and Parks, Transportation, Development and Environmental Services, Finance, Executive Services, and Adult and Juvenile Detention, the team has expertise in project management, architecture, design, landscape architecture, engineering, construction, management, operations, resource conservation, and budget analysis. With their varied backgrounds, the team members promote the use of green building practices in all buildings and infrastructure projects that the county constructs, remodels and renovates.

How the green team can help

The Green Building Team provides support to King County project managers and staff to help implement green building practices in new construction, the renovation or remodeling of existing buildings and other non-building infrastructure. Resources offered by the Green Building Team include:

  • Technical support and training on LEED and other green building technologies for King County departments and offices
  • Assistance with project review and budget analysis for county buildings
  • Strategies and policies relating to green building
  • Continually updated list of county projects that are working to incorporate LEED criteria

Contact Us

 Call: 206-477-4466

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