King County Sustainable Cities
Use the menu bar on the left side of the screen to explore the many integral parts of a Sustainable City, from regulatory tools to green buildings and infrastructure to programs that improve all aspects of quality of life.
What is a sustainable city?
"A sustainable community is one that works harmoniously to create a balance between equity for people, economy and environment. The community uses its resources to meet current needs while benefiting future generations. We conserve natural resources and their richness through prioritizing human health, eliminating waste, preventing pollution, maximizing conservation and promoting prosperity in our local living economy." – King County GreenTools, Earth Day 2010
The roadmap shortcut
This 2-page documentDownload PDF 170 K cuts to the chase and offers 12 Essential Actions for starting, implementing and maintaining a municipal green building program. Start with these suggested actions to quickly make early planning decisions and use them as a starting point for your municipality’s customized roadmap, adding actions as your program develops.
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