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交回我的選票 - Returning your ballot in Washington


You can vote and return your ballot as soon as you receive it. Returning your ballot early allows time to correct any issues with your signature so we can count your ballot. You can return your ballot by mail or to a ballot drop box. 當您收到您的選票,便可立即投票並將其交回。儘早交回您的選票可讓我們有足夠時間去糾正任何與您簽名相關的問題,以便點算您的選票。您可以通過郵寄或選票投放箱交回您的選票。

Ballot drop boxes 選票投放箱

Return your ballot to a ballot drop box, no stamp required. Your ballot must be returned to a ballot drop box by 8 p.m. election day. Plan ahead to avoid lines. 您無須郵票便可 將您的選票交回選票投放箱。 您的選票必須在選舉日晚上8時之前回交到一個選票投放箱,請提早計劃避免排長隊。

By mail 郵寄方式

No stamp needed to return your ballot! You can vote and return your ballot through the U.S. Postal Service as soon as your receive it. We recommend dropping your ballot in the mail by the Friday before Election Day to make sure it gets postmarked in time to be counted. Your ballot must be postmarked by Election Day, November 3. 交回您的選票無需郵票﹗當您收到選票後便可立即填投,並透過美國郵政服務交回您的選票。 我們建議您在選舉日前的星期五之前將選票寄出,以確保其蓋上截止前的郵戳,以便您的選票能得以計算。 您的選票必須蓋上選舉日或之前的郵戳。

Vote Centers 投票中心

King County vote centers (VCs) are available to voters who need assistance completing their ballot. Trained staff and specialized equipment are available to help voters with disabilities cast a private, independent ballot. 金郡投票中心 可供需要協助的選民完成其選票。訓練有素的工作人員和專門的設備可幫助體能有障礙的選民投出一份隱秘且獨立的選票。
