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Small Business Accelerator

Small Business Accelerator

Program Overview

King County’s Small Business Accelerator program provides new opportunities for small businesses to win county contracts.  The program allows certified Small Contractor and Supplier (SCS) firms to compete among themselves for the opportunity to be a prime contractor for the county. Increasing opportunities for small businesses benefits King County by driving down the cost of procurement and providing access to some of the most talented innovators in our region.


  • The Small Business Accelerator provides new opportunities for small businesses to win county contracts.
  • By reserving certain contracts for competition among small businesses, the county enables these firms to compete on the same level as larger businesses.
  • Increasing competition helps reduce the cost of procurement.
  • King County benefits from enhanced access to innovative ideas, products and services.

When is the Small Business Accelerator Used?

The Small Business Accelerator can be used when a sufficient number of certified SCS firms are available for a specific good or technical service to ensure that the county will obtain a competitive price or proposal.

The Accelerator can be used for purchases valued at or above the formal dollar threshold for advertised goods and services that is currently set at $50,000 or more.

Contract types include:
  • Goods acquired for Metro Transit or King County Wastewater Treatment Division
  • Technical Services for any county department
    • Types of technical services include:
      • Management consulting
      • Communications and stakeholder facilitation
      • Research, survey analysis and program development
      • Small equipment repair service
Related Links:

Program Initiative

SCS Directory

Current Contracting Opportunities

Questions about Small Business Accelerator Program?


Business Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
