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Climate change infographic sources

Climate change infographic sources

What's the problem?

Increased greenhouse gases are warming our planet, which significantly impacts our region:

What is happening on a global scale?

Temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are rising:

What related impacts are happening in our region?

Ocean water has increased in acidity by 25% since the Industrial Revolution:

Puget Sound has risen more than eight inches since 1913:

Lower stream flows in the summer and higher flows and flooding in the fall and winter:

Over 80% of streams surveyed in King County exceeded a salmon-safe temperature:

Flooding has closed Interstate 5 four times since 1991:

Average Washington Cascade Range snowpack has decreased on average 25% from the 1950s to 2000s:

What is the risk for our region in the future?

Disruption of marine ecosystem:

Marine-based economies suffer as fish/shellfish diminish:

$29 billion worth of buildings and roads in Puget Sound at risk of flooding:

Increase in severe storms:

Average Washington Cascade Range snowpack projected to decrease 40% by 2040s:

Pacific Northwest burned by wildfires every year:

Increase in chronic health problems:

Impacts in forests from insects and disease outbreaks:

Household costs increase to $1,250 a year by 2020

Impacts to recreation and quality of life:

Impacts to salmon and wildlife:
King County Executive
Dow Constantine
Dow constantine portrait

Read the Executive's biography
