State of Washington licenses
Types of business licenses
All businesses operating in the State of Washington must get a Washington State Business Licensing Service external link .
In addition to a Washington State Master Business License, your business may require additional State of Washington licenses that are not covered under your State Master Business License.
A few examples of activities regulated by the State include contracting architects and engineers, personal health care providers, tobacco sales, auctioneers, cosmetologists, employment agencies, notary publics, veterinarians, private security agencies, and private investigators. For a complete list, see Washington State Department of Licensing - Professional Licenses external link .
The State also regulates the sale and consumption of alcohol external link and any gambling external link that may occur on the premises of a business.
Contractors external link are licensed and regulated by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
Please contact the Washington State Department of Revenue external link in Olympia at 360-705-6741 for more information about State license requirements.