Classes and Webinars
Upcoming classes
Recorded webinars and videos
The King County Noxious Weed Control Program offers workshops and presentations upon request for community groups, neighborhood councils, vegetation management professionals, volunteer events, garden clubs, and a wide range of other groups. Please contact our office at or 206-477-9333 if you would like a presentation on invasive plants or noxious weeds for your group, staff or community.
Descriptions of regularly offered classes
Note: check Eventbrite link above for upcoming dates.Noxious Weeds and Invasive Plants Class - evening workshop on noxious weeds and invasive plants identification and control in King County. Learn to identify and control difficult noxious weeds and invasive plants found in King County. The class covers problem plants found in a wide range of habitats including backyards, forests, fields, shorelines, and parks. Find out about the methods and tools used by noxious weed control specialists to effectively control these challenging weeds. If you spot weeds early, controlling them is much easier! This class is helpful for anyone seeking to control noxious and invasive weeds and for those who are simply interested in learning more about these harmful species.
Noxious Weed Control Seminar - two-part webinar for vegetation management personnel, restoration crews and anyone else interested in learning more about noxious weeds and issues related to noxious weed control. Covers noxious weed control for vegetation management staff, restoration crews, and anyone else interested in learning about weeds. Each part has different topics and speakers related to identification, control, and impacts of noxious weeds. The focus is on noxious weed issues of importance in western Washington.
Invasive Knotweed Control Workshop - how to control knotweed. Knotweed is a major problem in King County. This non-native, noxious weed chokes out native vegetation, increases erosion, degrades water quality, and hurts habitat for fish and wildlife. It can also damage roads, pipes and building foundations. This workshop teaches participants: how invasive knotweed grows and spreads, how, when, and where to control it, and what to do after you control the knotweed to restore your land.
Lake Weed Watcher Training - learn to identify, survey for, and report lake weeds. The Lake Weed Watcher Program trains volunteers to survey for aquatic weeds in small lakes in King County, Washington. Volunteers are trained to identify both native and non-native aquatic plants. The goal of the project is to watch for populations of invasive weeds that are not currently known to occur in King County or that have a very limited distribution but have the potential to spread and cause damage. Detecting these weeds early allows us to stop them before they get too entrenched to remove. Want to learn how to identify water plants? Interested in saving a lake from the horrors of dense weed infestations? Join us!
Trail Weed Watcher Training - watch for weeds in wild areas and help prevent them from spreading. Plant enthusiasts, hikers and others who want to help protect our natural areas are encouraged to join the effort to locate (and control) invasive species in the beautiful Middle Fork Snoqualmie Valley and the Snoqualmie Pass Gateway trails of the South Fork Snoqualmie. Help survey the area's spectacular trail system for invasive weeds so we can stop them before they get entrenched. This class will teach you to identify the highest priority invasive plant species and give you the tools you need to start helping prevent these weeds from spreading into our wilderness areas.
Related information
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Program offices are located at 201 S. Jackson St., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104. To contact staff, see the Noxious Weed Control Program Directory, send an email, or call 206-477-WEED (206-477-9333).