Tolt River Natural Area
The Tolt River Natural Area is located approximately two miles east of the City of Carnation in unincorporated King County. The 240-acre property consists of several parcels that lie within the Tolt River's 100-year floodplain for a discontinuous 3.5-mile stretch, from RM 2.1 to approximately RM 5.5. The site contains a combination of riparian and upland forest habitat types as well as substantial gravel bars.
The Tolt River Natural Area consists of thirteen parcels purchased to protect the areas remaining high quality salmon habitat, specifically chinook winter rearing and juvenile habitat. The site contains significant habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife species. The Tolt River provides essential habitat for nearly one fifth of the chinook salmon that return to the Snoqualmie River to spawn. The Tolt River Natural Area reach is identified in the 2004 King County Comprehensive Plan as part of the wildlife habitat corridor which provides habitat for a variety of birds and mammals.
Current public use at the Tolt River Natural Area is minimal due to the limited access, lack of formal trails and general undeveloped character. Public use occurs most frequently in the summer months directly off of Tolt River Road NE where opportunities for nature observation, boating, fishing and swimming are available.
The Tolt River Natural Area Site Management Guidelines are available in Adobe Acrobat format, in sections for faster download. For help using Acrobat files, please visit our Acrobat help page.