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Walker Creek Photo Tour: Follow the Stream through SeaTac, Burien, and Normandy Park to Puget Sound

Walker Creek Photo Tour: Follow the Stream through SeaTac, Burien, and Normandy Park to Puget Sound

Regardless of whether you've lived in the Miller/Walker Creek basin all your life or have just moved here, you'll find Walker Creek views you've never seen before!

References to "stream reaches" refer to the analysis of stream characteristics found in Appendix C of the Miller and Walker Creeks Basin Plan (Adobe Acrobat 4.6 MB).

Photos are organized going from upstream to downstream.

Walker Creek - From the Headwaters to the Sound

Photo looking west down the Walker Creek valley from top of the SeaTac third runway
Looking west down the Walker Creek basin from the SeaTac third runway. September 17, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 7)
Photo of depression west of the third runway where Walker Creek headwaters are located
Walker Creek headwaters to the west of the SeaTac airport third runway (runway retaining wall is just visible at right). September 17, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 7)
Photo of water seeping out of the ground at the headwaters of Walker Creek
Walker Creek headwaters spring to the west of the third runway in SeaTac. September 17, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 7)
Photo of green Pacific tree frog at headwaters of Walker Creek
Pacific tree frog at headwaters of Walker Creek in SeaTac. September 17, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 7)
Photo of wetlands on Walker Creek
Wetlands on Walker Creek between SR 509 and Des Moines Memorial Drive in Burien. Wetlands were purchased by the city of Burien using a grant from the King Conservation District. September 20, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 7)
Photo of wetlands on Walker Creek
Another photo of wetlands on Walker Creek between SR 509 and Des Moines Memorial Drive. September 20, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 7)
Photo of wetlands on Walker Creek
Walker Creek where it flows out of the wetlands east of Des Moines Memorial Drive in Burien. White tubing is part of water quality sampling equipment operated by the Port of Seattle. August 13, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 7)
Photo of Walker Creek as it flows along Des Moine Memorial Drive
Walker Creek west of Des Moines Memorial Drive in Burien. January 24, 2002 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek showing broken retaining wall and weeds obstructing the stream
Walker Creek along Des Moines Memorial Drive in Burien showing broken retaining wall. November 21, 2002 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek where stream is barely visible due to invasive weeds along bank
Walker Creek west of Des Moines Memorial Drive in Burien. Note abundance of invasive plants such as Himalayan blackberry and old man's beard. September 20, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek showing lawn to stream's edge and ivy as garden plant
Walker Creek west of 4th Ave. S. in Burien. Increasing the amount of shady, native trees and shrubs along the stream would improve water quality. September 20, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek showing stream flowing through forested area
Walker Creek west of 4th Ave. S. Vegetation is mostly native trees and shrubs although some invasive plants such as ivy and Himalayan blackberry are beginning to invade. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of pond surrounded by native trees and invasive blackberry
Small pond adjacent to Walker Creek at the Meritage housing development west of 4th Ave. S. in Burien. Trees are native but Himalayan blackberry is present at right of photo. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of stormwater detention pond with cattails growing in it
Stormwater detention pond (different from pond shown above) adjacent to Walker Creek at the Meritage housing development west of 4th Ave. S. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
 culvert under Ambaum Blvd.
Walker Creek culvert under Ambaum Blvd. in Burien. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek with vine maple growing on edge of stream
Walker Creek along the west side of Ambaum Blvd. in Burien. Note use of vine maple as a native ornamental plant that benefits stream ecology. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek showing stand of knotweed that has been controlled with herbicide
Walker Creek west of Ambaum Blvd. in Burien, showing Bohemian knotweed that has been killed by King County crews. Stems have been injected with herbicide to kill the plants. Stems that have been injected are painted to avoid duplicate treatment. Stem injection of herbicide reduces the risk herbicide will enter the creek. The control program was funded by the Port of Seattle. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek in wetland east of 1st Ave. S.
Class 2 wetland on Walker Creek east of 1st Ave. S. in Burien. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of 1st Ave. S. retaining wall above Walker Creek culvert, surrounded by Himalayan blackberry
Steel and wood retaining wall above Walker Creek culvert on east side of 1st Ave. S. in Burien. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek surrounded by mostly native vegetation
Walker Creek west of 1st Ave. S. in Normandy Park. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek north of SW 171st St. showing bank erosion
Walker Creek north (downstream) of S.W. 171st St. in Normandy Park. Note erosion of bank. See following photo at same location during record high flow in December 2007. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek north of SW 171st St. showing high flows that cause bank erosion
Walker Creek north (downstream) of S.W. 171st St. in Normandy Park during the December 3, 2007 flood. Note how high flow is eroding bank. Compare to October 2007 photo above. December 3, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 6)
Photo of Walker Creek showing grass along banks
Walker Creek west of 1st Ave. S. and north S.W. 171st St. in Normandy Park. Stream banks have relatively little overhanging native vegetation. November 21, 2002 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 4)
Photo of Walker Creek showing leaves of big leaf maples on the water
Walker Creek upstream of the ravine in Normandy Park. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 4)
Photo of Walker Creek showing small log jam
Walker Creek upstream of the ravine in Normandy Park showing small log jam. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 4)
Photo of Walker Creek showing nurse log over the stream
Walker Creek in the ravine in Normandy Park. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 3)
Photo of Walker Creek in the ravine with forest on both sides of creek
Another view of Walker Creek in the ravine in Normandy Park. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 3)
Photo of slowly-eroding stream bank along Walker Creek in the ravine
Slowly-eroding bank of Walker Creek in the ravine in Normandy Park. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 3)
Photo of culverts emptying into Walker Creek
Culverts (top two) that convey Sequoia Creek into Walker Creek on the west side of 13th Ave. S.W. October 16, 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 1)
Photo of creek showing young native plants Walker Creek at the Normandy Park Community Club property ("The Cove"). This stream reach has been restored by the Stewards of the Cove. 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 1)
Photo of creek showing young native plants
Another view of Walker Creek at the Normandy Park Community Club property ("The Cove"). This stream reach in front of the clubhouse has been restored by the Stewards of the Cove. 2007 photo. (Walker Creek Reach 1)
Photo of creek showing young native plants
Walker Creek "beaver pond" at the Normandy Park Community Club property ("The Cove"). This stream reach has been restored by the Stewards of the Cove. The pond is managed to provide rearing habitat for young coho salmon. September 12, 2006photo. (Walker Creek Reach 1)

A short stream connects this pond to Miller Creek 150 feet before it enters Puget Sound.

Stewardship of the Miller/Walker Creeks basin is jointly funded by the City of Burien, City of Normandy Park, City of SeaTac, King County, and the Port of Seattle. On behalf of the partners, this page is proudly hosted by King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks - Water and Land Resources Division.

Miller and Walker Basin Stewardship Sponsoring Jurisdictions

Miller-Walker Creek Questions

  • Contact Iris Kemp with questions about Miller and Walker Creeks

Lake Burien Questions

  • Direct questions about Lake Burien, including toxic algae testing, to Chris Knutson