Agricultural Land Resource Strategic Plan Task Force
Agriculture Strategic Plan Public Review Process
May 4-June 5, 2023.
Input Survey
Please click here to take the survey.
Outreach and Input Events
May 11, 6-8pm |
King County Ag Commission |
Join the Agriculture Strategic Plan Task Force for a roll-out of the Draft Plan for Public Review and increased public comment (This mtg will be recorded and posted to this website). |
May 22, 5-7pm |
Snoqualmie River Farm hosted by SnoValley Tilth and Snoqualmie Valley Preservation Alliance (SVPA) |
Join the Agriculture Strategic Plan Task Force for a hands-on open house using stations on the farm to demonstrate the plan’s facts and strategies and gather your input. |
Plan Presentation
Click here to view the plan presentation.
Request Presentation
Please contact Patrice Barrentine to request a presentation to your organization.
This plan’s scope of work was created by Fish, Farm, Flood (FFF), but it is also a stand-alone agricultural plan to guide support for agricultural needs in the Snoqualmie Valley Agriculture Production District (SVAPD) over the next 25 years. In March 2019, the Agriculture Task Force was formed and convened by King County Agriculture Staff. The task force worked on the problems facing the commercial farming sector in the SVAPD in managing the agriculture land resource for farming productivity. The task force brings experience from farmers and industry professionals in the commercial farm sector:
- Farmer organizations: SnoValley Tilth and Snoqualmie Valley Preservation Alliance;
- Agency agriculture policy advisors: King County Agriculture Commission;
- Special purpose districts: Snoqualmie Valley Watershed Improvement District and King Conservation District;
- Educational institutions: Washington State University Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources; and
- The FFF Implementation Oversight Committee (IOC).
The Task Force Scope of Work laid out two main goals for the plan:
1) Improve the long-term productivity of farmland, bring more acres into production, especially food production, and increase opportunities for farmers to develop the necessary infrastructure to support or increase their farm businesses.
2) Propose acreage to permanently protect for farming (also called out in Recommendation 32 and Farm 4 of the FFF agreement[i]).
The vision of this plan is to elevate the land resource needs for infrastructure, policy, and regulatory improvements for commercial farmers in the SVAPD and King County so that farmers in the APD, policy makers and service providers can understand the agricultural needs based on facts, implement the solutions, and gain the results needed in the next 25 years.
Agriculture Strategic Plan Task Force |
Name |
Affiliation |
Patrice Barrentine, Coordinator | King County Water & Land Resources Division (KC WLRD) |
Janet Keller, Jordan Jobe, Carrie King |
King County Agriculture Commission |
Andrew Stout |
Snoqualmie Valley Watershed Improvement District (SVWID) |
Janet Keller |
Snoqualmie Valley Preservation Alliance (SVPA) |
Libby Reed Dave Glenn, alternate |
SnoValley Tilth |
Bobbi Lindemulder |
Fish, Farm, Flood Implementation Oversight Committee |
Jordan Jobe | Washington State University Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources, Puyallup Research and Extension Center |
Carrie King |
King Conservation District (KCD) |
The task force would also like to recognize task force members who served earlier in the process including: Nayab Khan - Ag Commission, Cynthia Krass - SVPA and SVWID alternate, Marie Shimada - SVPA alternate. And later in the process, such as the addition of Carrie King – KCD. |
Technical Experts
Todd Klinka (KC IT, GIS)
Richard Martin (KC WLRD)
Ted Sullivan (KC WLRD)
Eric Beach (KC WLRD)
Rick Reinlasoder (KC WLRD)
Bee Cha (KC WLRD)
Lou Beck (KC WLRD)
Erin Ericson (SVWID)
Liz Stockton (KCD)
Rebeccah Maskin (KC DLS)
Kollin Higgins (KC WLRD)
Joe Hovenkotter (KC WLRD)
Teresa Lewis (KC WLRD)
Chase Barton (KC WLRD)
Jen Vanderhoof (KC WLRD)
Katy Vanderpool (KC WLRD)
Maya DeGasperi (KC WLRD, intern)
Elizabeth Stone (KC WLRD intern, contractor)
Andrea Mojzak (KC WLRD)
Nicole Sanders (KC DLS)
Jesse Reynolds (KC DLS)
Harkeerat Kang (KC IT, GIS)
Elyssa Kerr (Beavers NW)
Dylan Collins (Tulalip Beaver Project)
Evan Lewis (KC WLRD)
Brett Randle (KC WLRD)
Table of Contents
Abstract and Contents
Executive Summary
Issue Papers
1.A. Introduction and Profile of the Commercial Agriculture Sector in the SVAPD
1. Improved Farmland Productivity
1.1 Drainage
1.1.1 Drainage Maintenance for ADAP Eligible Waterways
1.1.2 Drain Tiles
1.1.3 Flap gates, Floodgates, and Pumps
1.1.4 Culverts
1.1.5 Drainage Maintenance for non-ADAP Waterways
1.1.6 Beavers
1.2 Flood Safety
1.2.7 Flood Safety for Farms: High Ground Refuge and Farm Pads
1.2.8 Home Preservation in the APD
1.3 Irrigation
1.3.9 Water Rights and Irrigation
1.4 Transportation
1.4.10 Revetments
1.4.11 Transportation and Bridges
1.5 Climate Change
1.5.12 Climate Change Predictions
1.5.13 Invasive Species
2. Increased Farmland Protections
2.1 Population Growth and Development Impacts
2.1.14 Population Pressure
2.2 Wildlife
2.2.15 Elk and Deer (See also 1.1.6 Beavers)
2.3 Farmland Preservation
2.3.16 Farmland Preservation
2.4 Proposed Acreage for a Long- Term, Viable Sector
2.4.17 Acreage Challenges, Needs, and Recommendation
Appendices (Download All)
- Principles of the Plan
- Sub-goals of the Plan
- Objectives
- Table D: Issue Papers by Values and Themes
- Table E: Issue Papers by Plans and Entities
- Table F: Strategies by Values and Themes
- Table G: Sub-goals and Issue Papers by Priority Ranking of Importance
- Table H: Common Acronyms
- List of Leads and Partners for Plan Implementation
- Tables, Figures, and Maps
For more information about the Agricultural Land Resource Strategic Plan Task Force, please contact Patrice Barrentine, Project/Program Manager, Water and Land Resources Division, Department of Natural Resources and Parks.