Public notices
Little Lake Forest Trailhead
King County Parks created responses to the SEPA comments:
SEPA Responses - Updated September 2024
King County Parks issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) to develop a trailhead parking area near the City of Enumclaw. Comments regarding this DNS were accepted via email (, telephone (206-477-7372), or writing until 4:30 pm on July 23, 2024. Please see the DNS for additional instructions on how to submit comments.
SEPA Checklist
Site Plan
Supporting Documents:
- Little Lake Forest Park Trailhead Facility Utility Evaluation (SAGE Architectural Alliance, February 2022)
- Little Lake Forest Park Wetland Delineation Report (Shannon and Wilson, March 2022)
- Little Lake Forest Critical Areas Letter (Shannon and Wilson, January 2022)
- Little Lake Forest Park Trailhead Improvements Geotechnical Report (Shannon and Wilson, May 2022)
- Little Lake Forest Park Trailhead Improvements Infiltration Report (Shannon and Wilson, February 2024)
Past public notices
Tolt MacDonald Park Upper Beaver Dam Maintenance
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) to manage a beaver dam at Tolt MacDonald Park to prevent or reduce flooding. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on July 5, 2024. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
SEPA Checklist
Vicinity Map
Island Center Forest Bypass Thin
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for 45.4 acres of commercial tree harvesting in Island Center Forest. This project will support forest stewardship in line with the property’s working forest designation. Comments will be accepted until 4:30pm on June 4, 2024. You can submit comments to or via telephone at (206) 477-7372. Please reference “Island Center Forest Bypass Thin” in the subject line. Please see the DNS for additional information.
Supporting Documents:
Island Center Forest Site Management Guidelines (April 2006, King County Parks)
Island Center Forest Site Management Guidelines Update (November 2017, Stewardship Forestry and Science)
Green River Trail North Extension
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for improving, reconfiguring, and extending the Green River Trail. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on April 9, 2024. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
SEPA Checklist
Vicinity Map
Dockton Moorage Renovation
King County Parks and Recreation Division is providing a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist addendum for your information on the Dockton Moorage Renovation. There is no comment period associated with this checklist addendum; however, to request additional information or ask us a question you can contact us via or at 206-477-4527
Original SEPA notice: King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for repair and rehabilitation of the moorage and dock at Dockton Park. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on May 21, 2020. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
For additional project information, please visit the Parks Capital Improvements page.
Green to Cedars Rivers South Interim Trail Segment A
November 2023 updateLKing County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Green to Cedars Rivers South Interim Trail Segment A. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on December 5, 2023. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments. The following documents are available related to this proposal:
King County Parks is issuing a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Upper Bear Creek House Demolition and Site Restoration. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on October 12, 2023. Please see the MDNS for instructions on how to submit comments. The following documents are available related to this proposal:
SEPA Checklist
Project Design Plans
Cultural Resources Assessment (redacted)
Taylor Mountain Forest: Trail and Forestry Projects
King County Parks is issuing two Determinations of Non-Significance (DNSs) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for two different projects in Taylor Mountain Forest. Comments on both projects will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on September 22, 2023. Please see each DNS for instructions on how to submit comments. The two projects include:
1. Taylor Mountain Forest Sustainable Trail System Improvements
Develop four miles of new backcountry trails, nine trail bridges, and up to eight additional surface water crossings.
Trail System Maps and Design Plans
2. Taylor Mountain Forest West Carey Forestry Project
Hardwood tree harvest and conifer replanting on 98 acres to increase forest diversity and overall climate resilience.
The following documents are also applicable to both projects.
Taylor Mountain Forest – Forest Stewardship Plan (August 2003)
Taylor Mountain Public Use Plan and Trails Assessment (October 2004)
Taylor Mountain Forest Stewardship Plan 10-Year Update (2015)
Marymoor Park Gateway Trail
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Marymoor Park Gateway Trail project. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on September 22, 2023. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments. The following documents are available related to this proposal:
Wetland Delineation MemoOrdinance to Amend King County Code Governing Park Rules (Title 7) (the “Parks Rules Ordinance”)
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Ordinance to Amend King County Code Governing Park Rules (Title 7) (the “Parks Rules Ordinance”). Proposed changes include providing fee waivers/scholarships for facility rentals, rules for allowing electric bicycles on Regional Trails, and more. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on July 19, 2023. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments. The following documents are available related to this proposal:
Public Review Draft of Proposed Ordinance Language
Marymoor Park Stormwater Facility Improvement
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Marymoor Park Stormwater Facility Improvement project. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on December 22, 2022. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments. The following documents are available related to this proposal:
Island Center Forest Limited Deer Hunt
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Island Center Forest Limited Deer Hunt. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on September 27, 2022. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments. The following documents are available related to this proposal:
Public rule
King County Parks has completed the public process associated with the rule renewal and the 45-day-long public comment period is now closed. As part of the formal administrative record, we are preparing a written response to comments received and will post that document to the Marymoor Park page once it is completed. The public rule has been signed by the DNRP Department Director and will be posted online once it goes into effect on January 8, 2021.
Thank you for your participation in this process!
Black Diamond Open Space Bridge Replacement
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Black Diamond Open Space Bridge Replacement project. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on March 30, 2022. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments. The following documents are available related to this proposal:
Critical Areas Report and Mitigation Plan
Eastrail, Wilburton Segment, SE 32nd Street to SE 1st Street
King County is issuing a Notice of Action Taken (NAT) for the renovation and construction of the Wilburton Trestle and trail improvements on the Eastrail (formerly called the Eastside Rail Corridor). As described in the NAT any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge such action on the grounds of non-compliance with the provisions of chapter 43.21C RCW (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be commenced on or before February 8, 2022.
Additional information is available on the King County Eastrail webpage.
King County Parks' - Big Ideas
2019 Big Ideas - Request for proposals
2022 King County Open Space Plan Update
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for updates to its Open Space Plan. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on February 16, 2022. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Open Space Plan for Public Review
Learn more about this project.
Pinnacle Peak
Starting in July 2021, the trails at the top of the park will periodically be closed due to construction of the lookout tower. This construction will also require intermittent closures of the entire park on short notice.
Sunset Playfield Soil Remediation, Interim Cleanup Action
2020 Site Characterization report
Soil Remediation SEPA checklist
Soil Remediation SEPA DNS final
Eastrail (Eastside Rail Corridor) Pleasure Point Lane Hazard Tree Removal
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for removal of 7 hazard trees near Pleasure Point Lane in Bellevue. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on March 26, 2020. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Sale of Property Interests to Sound Transit
King County Parks has withdrawn the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the Sale of Property Interests to Sound Transit.
Northshore Athletic Fields (NAF) Field Renovation
King County Parks is issuing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Northshore Athletic fields baseball field infield renovation project. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30pm on January 6, 2020. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Renton Shop
King County Parks is issuing a Notice of Action Taken (NAT) for the King County Parks – Renton Shop project. As described in the NAT any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge such action on the grounds of non-compliance with the provisions of chapter 43.21C RCW (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be commenced on or before March 28, 2019.
Additional information is available on the CIP Improvements page.
Skyway Park
King County issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Skyway Park Improvement project. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on February 28, 2019. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
For additional project information please visit our Capital Improvement Projects page.
Eastside Rail Corridor (ERC) Coal Creek Bridge Retrofits Project
King County issued a Notice of Action Taken (NAT) for the King County Parks – ERC Coal Creek Bridge Retrofits project. As described in the NAT any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge such action on the grounds of non-compliance with the provisions of chapter 43.21C RCW (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be commenced on or before April 8, 2019.
Derby Creek Flood Reduction and Enhancement Project
King County Parks is issuing a Notice of Action Taken (NAT) for the King County Parks – Derby Creek Flood Reduction and Habitat Enhancement Project. As described in the NAT any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge such action on the grounds of non-compliance with the provisions of chapter 43.21C RCW (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be commenced on or before May 2, 2019.
Additional technical documents are available on the Capital Improvements Projects page.
Coal Creek Beaver Dam Maintenance
King County Parks issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Coal Creek Beaver Dam Maintenance project. The project proposes ongoing notching and maintenance of a beaver dam along Coal Creek in King County Parks’ Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park.
Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 p.m. on May 10, 2019. Please see the full DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park - Big Tree Ridge (Cougar Precipice) Trailhead
King County Parks is issuing a Notice of Action Taken (NAT) for the King County Parks – Cougar Precipice Trailhead Parking Lot Project. As described in the NAT, any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge such action on the grounds of non-compliance with the provisions of chapter 43.21C RCW (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be commenced on or before May 21, 2019.
Preston Mill
King County issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Preston Mill Park Project. The project includes proposed walking paths, picnic shelter, restroom, interpretive signage, and potential repair / replacement of two old mill buildings for interpretive purposes.
Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on April 19th, 2019. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Remlinger Farms Bridge Replacement
King County Parks is issuing a Notice of Action Taken (NAT) for the Remlinger Farms Bridge Replacement project. As described in the NAT any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge such action on the grounds of non-compliance with the provisions of chapter 43.21C RCW (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be commenced on or before May 1, 2019.
Central Maintenance Facility (Renton Shop)
King County issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Central Maintenance Facility (Renton Shop) project. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on December 20, 2018. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Additional information is available on the CIP Improvements page.
Green to Cedar Rivers Trail North Segment
King County issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Green to Cedar Rivers Trail North Segment. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30pm on May 31, 2018. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Additional documents are available on the Green to Cedar Rivers project page.
Black Diamond Open Space
King County issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Black Diamond Area Stewardship Plan. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30pm on May 24, 2018. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Maury Island Natural Area Cleanup Action Plan
Review and comment on documents related to the cleanup plan for the contaminated soil at Maury Island Natural Area. Comments accepted from April 9 to May 24. Submit comments using Washington Department of Ecology's e-comment system, by sending an email to, or by leaving a voicemail at 206-477-7372 (SEPA).
The Washington Department of Ecology and King County Parks will present more information at a meeting on Weds, April 11, 2018, at Vashon High School from 7 - 9 pm.
You can review the documents and get more information here.
Remlinger Farms Bridge Replacement along the Snoqualmie Valley Trail
King County issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Remlinger Farms Bridge Replacement Project at the Snoqualmie Valley Trail. Comments regarding this DNS will be accepted via email, writing, or telephone until 4:30 pm on March 1, 2018. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
SEPA Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)
Island Center Forest Limited Deer Hunt (Non-Project Action) (September 2017)
King County issued a Determination of Non-significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Island Center Forest Limited Deer Hunt. Comments will be accepted until 4:30 PM on September 22, 2017. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Limited Deer Hunt – SEPA Checklist
Limited Deer Hunt – Deer Hunt Area Map
Limited Deer Hunt – Vicinity Map
Snoqualmie Valley Trail Beaver Dam Repair and Wetland Restoration
King County issued a Determination of Non-significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Snoqualmie Valley Trail Beaver Dam Repair and Wetland Restoration on September 14, 2017. Comments will be accepted until 4:30 PM on September 28, 2017. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Steve Cox Memorial Park - Ballfield Improvements
King County issued a Determined of Non-significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Steve Cox Park Synthetic Turf Field project. Comments will be accepted until 4:30 PM on July 5, 2017. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Ballfield Improvements - SEPA DNS
Ballfield Improvements - SEPA Checklist
Ballfield Improvements - Proposal Rendering of Ballfields
Foothills Trail Phase II Project (2017)
King County issued a Determined of Non-significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Foothills Trail Phase II project. Comments will be accepted until 4:30 PM on June 22, 2017. Please see the DNS for instructions on how to submit comments.
Foothills Trail Phase II - SEPA DNS
Foothills Trail Phase II - SEPA Checklist
Lake to Sound - Segment C Project (June 2017)
King County issued a Determined of Non-significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the Lake to Sound Trail Segment C project. Comments were accepted until 4:30 PM on June 14, 2017.
Lake to Sound Trail Segment C – SEPA DNS
Lake to Sound Trail Segment C – SEPA Checklist
Lake to Sound Trail Segment C – Vicinity Map
For even more project information you can visit the project page.
Cougar/Squak Corridor - Site Management Guidelines (Oct 2016)
SEPA Determination of Non-Significance
Draft Site Management Guidelines
Maury Island Natural Area - Interim Clean-up Action (July 2016)