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Project team task groups and responsibilities

Project team task groups and responsibilities

Green River Stormwater Retrofit Planning Project


Project Management Core Team

Reviews, advises the Project Administrative Team on project scope, schedule, budget; including new found or changing conditions, and issues affecting the project tasks, products, deliverables and communications/educational activities; Jim Simmonds, Larry Jones, Dr. Richard R. Horner, Mindy Roberts, Jeff Burkey, David Funke, Curtis DeGasperi, Professor Erkan Istanbulluoglu, Dino Marshalonis, Olivia Wright, Curt Crawford, Doug Navetski, Don Robinet, Chris Thorn, Ben Parish and Doug Osterman Task 2 Project Management Team Timeline: October, 2010 – December 2013. Milestones: The Project Management Team provides technical oversight throughout the project. The PMT will meet quarterly during 2011 with the option of meeting monthly during 2012 and 2013.  The PMT will be responsible for directing the technicalaspects of the data collection and reporting, the setting of in-stream flow and water quality goals, the watershed modeling, the SUSTAIN modeling,and development of the retrofit plan.


Project Administration Team

Provides day to day operating coordination and management of Project activities and tasks; Provides a focal point for decisions, products, deliverables and communications Jim Simmonds, Larry Jones, Giles Pettifor, Tamie Kellogg Task 12 Project Management Timeline: July 2010 – December 2013.  Milestones: Reports to EPA as required by the grant.  Description: This task includes tracking the project scope, schedule, budget and quality, coordinating project team and sub-group tasks and activities; developing and processing contracts, agreements, and invoices; and reporting to EPA as required by the grant.


Task 9 Watershed Retrofit Plan Report Timeline: September 2012 – June 2013.  Milestones: Complete watershed retrofit plan report by June, 2013.

Task 10 Stormwater Retrofit Cost Estimate for Puget Sound and Report Timeline: May 2013 – December 2013.  Milestones: Complete cost estimate and report by December, 2013.


Cities and Government Group 

Provides Input related to local government issues; assesses impacts related to NPDES permits and BMPs (see task 8) Curt Crawford, Doug Navetski, Don Robinet, Chris Thorn, Ben Parish, Doug Osterman, Giles Pettifor Coordinate with Modeling Group -- See Task 8: Combinations of stormwater BMPs and LID techniques will be evaluated within each catchment using the SUSTAIN model.  An optimal combination of stormwater BMPs and LID techniques are required for each catchment that meets the flow and water quality goals at the minimum estimated cost. Secondly, based on review of the SUSTAIN model, locally derived cost estimates, flow control estimates, and or water quality treatment estimates may be considered (see) Task 10 Retro Cost Report. And (3)assist with Intergovernmental and other Organizational coordination (see outreach and communications tasks).

Monitoring and Modeling Group 

Conduct stream flow, turbitity, climate data in WRIA 9 streams to provide data needed to refine claibration of watershed and water quality models (tasks 1, see QAPP); develop and run models (task 7 and 8) Jeff Burkey, David Funke, Professor Erkan Istanbulluoglu, Dino Marshalonis, Ed  'Brien, Olivia Wright, Daniel-T Smith, Brendan Grant, Curtis DeGasperi Task 5 New Data Collection and Report Timeline: November 2010 – December 2011. Collect continuous monitoring data by February, 2011.  Collect survey of low-flow data by September, 2011.  Complete data report by December, 2011. Coordinate this data and report with the Drainage, Water Quality Goals and Planning Group.


Task 7 Watershed Modeling and Report Timeline: January 2011 – May 2012.  Complete modeling and report by May, 2012.  Develop relationships between land use and land cover, weather, and stream flow and water quality in the study area and use EPA’s watershed modeling platform HSPF, and the UW DHSVM modeling platform for modeling.

Task 8 SUSTAIN Modeling and Report Timeline: June 2011 – September 2012. Complete modeling and report by September, 2012.  Use the SUSTAIN model to evaluate approaches and costs for stormwater retrofits necessary to achieve the project-defined flow and water quality goals within each catchment in the study area.


Information and Education Group 

Provide public information and education related to the project; web page management, newsletters, and intergovenmental coordination including meetings, workshops, forums (task 11). Giles Pettifor, Larry Jones

Task 11 Outreach and Communication Timeline: July 2010 – December 2013.  Milestones: Establish and maintain project web site by November, 2010.  Host public meetings  2011, 2012, and 2013.  Send quarterly project e-mail and newsletter updates to interested parties starting in January, 2011.  Set up and use other agency and organizations' meeting agendas for briefings. Prepare a Complete Project Result Report presentation by December, 2013.

Task 3 Coordination with the WRIA 9 Watershed Ecosystem Forum Timeline: July 2010 – December 2013.  Milestones: Annual briefing of the WRIA 9 Forum in 2011, and 2012, with the option for quarterly briefings in 2013.

Drainage, Water Quality Goals and Planning Group 

Conduct an existing stream flow and water quality data review and define current conditions ( task 4); Develop catchment -specific instream flow and water quality goals for project catchments (task 6) Dr. Richard R. Horner, Mindy Roberts, Curtis DeGasperi, David Batts Task 4 Existing Data Review Timeline: July 2010 – May 2011.  Milestones: Deliver existing data review report by May, 2011.


Coordinate Task 5 New Data Collection and Report with Monitoring and Modeling Group Timeline: November 2010 – December 2011.  Milestones: Collect continuous monitoring data by February, 2011.  Collect survey of low-flow data by September, 2011.  Complete data report by December, 2011.

Task 6 Timeline: Sept 2010 – May 2012.  Milestones: Complete literature review by September, 2011. Complete goals report by May, 2012.


For more information about the Stormwater Retrofit Project, please contact Jim Simmonds, Project Manager, Science and Technical Support Section.
