Jury duty notices
How to know if your jury summons is from District or Superior Court.
King County has 2 courts – District Court and Superior Court. Each manages their own jury process differently, and their jury duty notices look a bit different.
District Court
Jury duty notices from District Court will include a text box that says “King County District Court Official Jury Notice” in all capital white letters against a black background. This will be on the front of the postcard where your address is listed. This same side of the postcard will include:
- A return address that includes “King County District Court”
- Your group number
- Your badge number
- Your report date
- A bar code above the text “juror badge”

You have been summoned for jury service
You have been summoned for jury service with King County District Court for the [COURTHOUSE LOCATION] starting on [DATE}.
You are required to respond to this notice through the Juror Portal at https://kingcounty.gov/courts/district-court/jury.aspx.
Do NOT report to any court location unless you have been given specific instruction by the court via e-mail or telephone.
Using the online Juror Portal, you can postpone your jury selection to a later date, request excusal due to undue hardship, or alert the court that you are not legally qualified to serve.
If you are unable to reply using the Juror Portal link, please call [Phone] for additional information.
Call the jury hotline at [PHONE] after 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the Monday your jury service is scheduled to start to check that you should still come to court.
Please bring this postcard with you when you report to jury duty.
Superior Court
Jury duty notices from Superior Court will include a text box that says “Official Jury Notice” in all capital white letters against a black background. This will be on the front of the postcard where your address is listed. This same side of the postcard will include:
- Your group number
- Your candidate identification (ID) number
- Your report date
- Your report time
- A bar code above the text “juror badge”

You have been summoned for jury service
You have been summoned for jury service with King County Superior Court at one of three possible locations on [Date]. You are required to respond to this notice through the Juror Portal at https://www.kingcounty.gov/superior-court/jury
Do NOT report to any court location unless you have been given specific instructions by a judge or bailiff by email or telephone.
If you are unable to reply using the Juror Portal, please call 206-477-1320 for additional information. Using the online Juror Portal, you can postpone your jury service to a later date, request excusal if serving in the next 12 months would be an undue hardship or alert the court that you are not legally qualified to serve.
For your safety and the safety of others do NOT report to any court location unless you have been given specific instructions by a judge or bailiff by email or telephone. Jury selection will be done remotely. If you respond to the summons and are not contacted by a bailiff to schedule jury selection by the date on the back of this card you were not selected to a trial and your obligation for this term is considered complete.
Please plan on one day of jury selection or one trial. One trial typically takes two weeks. The one day of jury selection may not occur on the same date as on the back of this card, although you will be contacted before the close of business on your summons date.