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Parks Levy

The King County Parks Levy is a six-year, voter-approved property tax that keeps both city and regional parks, trails, and open spaces available for everyone. No matter where you are in King County, the Parks Levy goes to support your local parks and trails.

2026-2031 King County Parks Levy 

The King County Executive proposed a ballot measure for August 2025 – pending approval from the King County Council – that would renew the levy for another six years starting January 1, 2026. The main themes for the 2026-2031 King County Parks Levy are: MAINTAIN, ENHANCE, EXPAND.   

More information about the proposed levy is available on the DNRP Newsroom page 

King County Parks conducted a rigorous public listening campaign in 2024 that included 21 in-person and online events as well as two online surveys available in eight of the county’s top languages. More than 4,800 people shared feedback about their top priorities and what success could look like to them in the renewed levy. The consistent themes included fostering safety and belonging in addition to offering new parks, trails, and recreational opportunities. More information on the community engagement is available at


2026-2031 King County Parks Levy Timeline

  • Spring 2024

    Gather feedback from Tribes, the public, cities/towns, community partners, and others on what to prioritize for the 2026-2031 levy.
  • Summer 2024

    Summary report from community feedback shared. Draft levy proposal created based on public, tribal, partner, and King County leadership feedback.
  • Fall 2024

    Draft proposal shared with the King County Executive for review and feedback.
  • February 2025

    On February 11, 2025: King County Executive Dow Constantine submitted the levy proposal to King County Council for review, feedback, and possible approval. 
  • Summer/Fall 2025

    Finalized 2026-2031 King County Parks Levy proposal on ballot for King County voter approval.

2020-2025 Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Levy

On August 6, 2019, King County voters approved a measure to renew the property tax levy supporting parks, trails, and open space in King County. The measure replaced the levy that expired at the end of 2019 and will generate an estimated $810 million over six years, costing approximately $7.60 per month for the owner of a home with an assessed property value of $500,000.
The revenue generated by this levy means county-wide investments in parks, trails, recreation, and open space protection for the benefit of all King County residents, no matter where they live. This levy also established grant programs that aim to make parks, recreation, trails, and open space more accessible, as well as grant programs with the goal to expand access to parks, trails and recreation among historically underserved communities and people with disabilities.

A pie chart showing the various percentages of levy expenditures

2020-2025 Parks Levy Oversight Board

The Parks Levy Oversight Board, which is appointed by the King County Executive and consists of one representative from each council district, meets annually to review Parks' levy expenditures from the previous year and report on the progress of the agency in achieving the purposes of the levy.

Parks Levy Oversight Board Roster

2024 Review Meeting Schedule:

  • Meeting 1: TBD
  • Meeting 2: TBD
  • Meeting 3: TBD
  • *Meeting agendas and minutes will be posted when finalized

Annual Reports:

Levy History

Read about the accomplishments under the 2014-2019 levy!

The measure, which was approved by voters in 2013 by more than 70 percent, is estimated to generate $66 million per year from 2014 through 2019 through a CPI-indexed property tax levy lid lift of 18.77 cents per $1,000 of assessed value – an estimated $56 per year for the owner of a home valued at $300,000.

Read the mid-levy progress report.

2014-2019 Parks Levy Oversight Board Reports

2014-2019 Levy Oversight Board Members

In 2007, King County voters approved two property tax levy lid lifts to support park operations and open space and trails for the period of 2008-2013.

As required by the levy legislation, a nine-member, Council-appointed Levy Citizen Oversight Board was established to monitor the expenditure of levy proceeds.

In June 2012, King County Executive Dow Constantine convened a panel of business and civic leaders to help define a path to funding King County's parks, trails, and open space upon expiration of the then-current levies at the end of 2013. The group's recommendations shaped what ultimately become the 2014-2019 King County Parks, Trails and Open Space Replacement Levy.

Task Force Cover Letter to Executive Constantine

Task Force Report and Recommendations

The group met from June to October 2012. 

In 2002, confronted with a $52 million general fund crisis, King County faced the very real possibility of closing parks, pools, and recreational programs. From that crisis arose the King County Parks of today, a mission-focused, streamlined, levy-funded agency with an entrepreneurial approach to operations and partnerships.

Learn more about the 2002 Parks Business Transition Plan.
