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King County Green Bonds (climate bonds)

Green bonds

King County, Washington

Cicero Deep Green

CICERO independently rates King County Green Bonds.

Download CICERO's analysis:

The King County Green Bonds Program advances King County’s low carbon economy, brings attention to the County’s significant climate action achievements, and supports projects that help combat climate change.

The Green Bonds Program is one tool that the County uses under its Strategic Climate Action Plan to finance projects that have environmental benefits and/or projects that assist the County in mitigating or adapting to the effects of climate change.  Eligible projects are located across the County and align with the County’s environmental and climate action regulations and policies.

The County is anticipating that projects that involve clean transportation conversions to zero-emission buses; forest land protection and habitat restoration to offset greenhouse gas emissions; and design and construction of green-built facilities that include recycled and energy saving materials, improve air quality, reduce water use, and achieve high ratings for sustainable construction-- will be candidates for the Green Bond Program.

Project list

Department of Natural Resources & Parks - Solid Waste Division

Transfer stations

Project Date-series Percent
Amount of
Green Bond
proceeds allocated to date
Expected Greenhouse Gas (GHG)1
emissions reduction
energy savings
Factoria Transfer Station
2017-Series A
100% $13.7m 1,926 MTCO2e2 92 MMBTU/yr3
Northeast Recycling and Transfer Station
2017-Series A
0% $1.1m not available at present not available at present
South County Transfer Station
2017-Series A
100% Final Design Phase $11.7m not available at present not available at present

General waste management infrastructure

Project Bond Issue Percent
Amount of
Green Bond
proceeds allocated to date
Expected GHG1
emissions reduction
Water improvement
Cedar Falls Drop Box
2017-Series A
1% $0.1m Project is on hold
not available at present
Harbor Island Dock Demolition
2017-Series A
40% $1.3m not available at present
not available at present
Landfill closures
2017-Series A
Not applicable $8.1m

20% reduction in GHG emissions tCO2eq/year at Enumclaw Closed Landfill

Cedar Falls Closed Landfill actual improvement in key water quality parameters was 20% last 2 years

Hobart Closed Landfill actual improvement in key water quality parameters 
was 20% last 2 years

Enumclaw closed landfill actual improvement in key water quality parameters 
was 5% last 2 years

(Stabilizing)   5% at Vashon Island closed landfill

1 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range and measured in carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents.

2 Metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e) is a measure used to compare the emissions from different greenhouse gases based upon their global warming potential.

3 Million British Thermal Units per year (MMbtu/yr).

For more information about King County Green Bonds, please contact Lorraine Patterson, Chief Administrative Officer, Department of Natural Resources and Parks.
