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Big Bend and Landsburg Reach Natural Areas

Big Bend and Landsburg Reach Natural Areas

Big Bend and Landsburg Reach Natural Areas are both located within the Landsburg Reach of the Cedar River, approximately River Mile 19.6 to 21.2. Big Bend consists of three parcels (96 acres) and Landsburg Reach Natural Area consists of nine parcels (24 acres). The sites are located slightly more than a mile east of Maple Valley, near the Cedar River Watershed's western boundary at Landsburg Road SE. Portions of the sites are adjacent to the King County Cedar River Regional Trail, as well as to City of Seattle's Cedar River Pipeline Road which is also used as a trail.

Big Bend/Landsburg Reach Location map

The sites span both sides of the Cedar River. The Walsh Lake Diversion Ditch flows through Big Bend Natural Area, and other side channels and valley floor wetlands occur on the Natural Area. This reach of the Cedar River contains high-bank bluffs noted for their contribution of gravel to the river. The sites support mixed coniferous/deciduous second-growth forest relatively mature in age, also including stands predominated by coniferous, deciduous, or wetland vegetation. Invasive vegetation is present particularly along disturbed portions of the Cedar River channel.

Big Bend/Landsburg Reach Natural Areas picture

Pedestrians, bicyclists, and equestrians traveling the Cedar River Trail pass through Big Bend Natural Area along the regional trail corridor, to or from the trailhead parking one mile east at Landsburg Road SE. There are no other parking areas for these Natural Areas. The Natural Area itself (outside of the Cedar River Trail) is primarily used by pedestrians and equestrians, who follow the informal trails extending off from the Cedar River Trail. The riverfront is also used by boaters and fishermen mostly on a seasonal basis. Landsburg Reach Natural Area supports little public use, except for trail connections between nearby Danville/Georgetown trails and the Cedar River Pipeline Road. The Backcountry Horsemen and the Friends of Rock Creek Valley are key community partners at these sites, contributing significant time and energy to observing site and trail conditions, picking up litter, and other activities related to trails at the site.

The Big Bend and Landsburg Reach Natural Area Site Management Guidelines are available in Adobe Acrobat format, in sections for faster download. For help using Acrobat files, please visit our Acrobat help page.

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Big Bend and Landsburg Reach Natural Area Site Management Guidelines

