2025 News
March 4, 2025
Council approves legislation to boost reporting, transparency around ‘ghost buses’
"I'm excited to support this legislation, particularly as we continue to have conversations about changes in transit ridership trends following the pandemic and how we use that data to best serve the needs of our growing county. The impacts of unplanned trip cancellations can feel especially great to residents in my district where many bus routes operate at a low frequency, so I'm excited about this opportunity to improve reporting on the issue and ultimately increase reliability across the entire Metro transit system."
2024 News
December 4, 2024
Perry, Dunn applaud committee approval of storm recovery proposal
“County residents continue to live through traumatic impacts to their lives from this storm, including homes that have major damage and the costs of enduring days without power. This legislation is key to helping these people get back on their feet as quickly and with as few lasting impacts as possible. I am grateful to Councilmembers Dunn and Balducci for joining me in bringing this legislation and to the rest of the Council for coming together quickly to move this legislation forward.”
December 3, 2024
Council approves permitting update to simplify process, lower barriers to application, standardize to new state law
“This legislation is instrumental in addressing our long-standing permitting concerns across King County. More than just bringing us into line with the new state law, these changes will help ensure we are using all the tools available to increase production of housing units – both market rate and affordable – as we continue to face a daunting housing shortage across the region. I am grateful for the collaboration of the Department of Local Services and my fellow councilmembers in bringing this vital legislation across the finish line.”
November 19, 2024
Perry applauds key investments in District 3 with approval of 2025 budget
“In our 2025 budget, we prioritized limited resources in response to the highest priorities for our community members. This includes ensuring an effective public safety response, emphasizing our infrastructure investments such as roads and culverts, prioritizing environmental protections for salmon, waterways, and our open spaces, and advocating for support in housing and development, including the much-needed investment toward permitting and code enforcement. I'm particularly excited to share our investments in District 3 and am looking forward to seeing the impact of these investments for years to come!”
October 21, 2024
Perry issues statement after mass shooting in Fall City
King County Councilmember Sarah Perry issued a statement after the tragic mass shooting in Fall City that took five lives Monday morning
September 24, 2024
Council Approves Perry Proposal to Create Regulatory Framework for Battery Energy Storage Systems in King County
“We know that battery energy storage systems, or BESS, play a crucial role in modern energy supply. By making renewable energy sources more reliable, battery energy storage systems are important in helping King County meet its Strategic Climate Action Plan goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the county by eighty percent by 2050.”
June 11, 2024
Perry awards Martin Luther King Jr. Medal of Distinguished Service to Michael Pollina
“Commander (Chaplain) Michael Pollina is a dedicated and passionate leader for our veterans in North Bend as well as for those from throughout the Snoqualmie Valley, and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with him and supporting him in his many and diligent efforts for our veterans since taking office. American Legion – Post 79 has had an incredible impact on the local Snoqualmie Valley community through their service work for veterans, including housing and supportive services, and they continue to look for innovative ways to reach out to and engage veterans and the community at large to meet their needs. All of these efforts start with Chaplain (Commander) Pollina who spends his time ensuring that fellow veterans from throughout the valley have what they need to thrive. I am deeply honored to recognize him as our 2024 District 3 MLK Medal of Distinguished Service recipient.”
January 9, 2024
Perry to chair Local Services & Land Use Committee in 2024
“Our Local Services and Land Use Committee has a big year ahead as the County updates its Comprehensive Plan, shaping how we plan for a productive and healthy future. This work reflects my continued commitment to environmental preservation, affordable housing every at income level, and social service access..."