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Access and Outreach program

Connecting you to medical providers, health insurance options, and many essential services from food and energy assistance, to breast cancer and dental care options.

Washington Apple Health

Open Enrollment is over for the season, but you may still qualify for Washington Apple Health (also called Medicaid) year-round depending on your income. You may also enroll in coverage if you have experienced a qualifying life event.

Low-Income Special Enrollment Period continues for 2025

Customers who meet all Qualified Health Plan (QHP) eligibility requirements, have a projected income at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level* and are not currently enrolled in a Cascade Care Silver or Gold Plan will be eligible for this SEP in Washington Healthplanfinder. This SEP allows them to enroll in Cascade Care Silver or Gold plan any month of the year without having to experience a qualifying life event.

Apple Health Expansion

Apple Health Expansion has reach it's enrollment cap. You can still apply now and be eligible when spots become available.

Resources for the general public

Información en español

El programa de Acceso a Servicios y Alcance Comunitario fue establecido en 1988 para promover la salud y reducir las desigualdades aumentando el acceso al cuidado de salud y otros programas de beneficio público.

Free to low-cost health insurance

Open enrollment season is over this season but you may still qualify for Washington Apple Health (also called Medicaid) year-round depending on your income.

COFA Islander Health Care

COFA islanders receive Apple Health (Medicaid) as qualified non-US citizens who are exempt from the 5-year bar.

Apple Health Expansion

A medical assistance program coming in July 2024 that provides health care coverage to uninsured adults who do not meet the immigration requirements for federal assistance.

Community Health Access Program (CHAP)

CHAP is a telephone assistance program serving King County residents by connecting them to health insurance, health care services and other resources. CHAP services are free and confidential.

Medicare Savings Program for seniors and disabled people

Medicare Savings Programs help Medicare recipients pay for all or part of their Medicare premiums. Eligibility is based on those who meet income and resource requirements.

King County Adult Dental Program (KCADP)

KCADP provides dental services for residents living in King County who are not eligible for Apple Health (Medicaid) due to citizenship requirements.

Alien Emergency Medical (AEM) and resources for undocumented residents

AEM is for individuals who have a qualifying medical emergency and do not qualify for any other Apple Health program due to citizenship/immigration requirements.

Resources for undocumented residents in King County

Local, state and federal programs and resources that are available for undocumented residents living in King County.

Family Planning Only—Birth Control Plan

Family Planning Only is a program that provides uninsured women and men coverage for family planning services to help them prevent unintended pregnancies and provides confidential family planning for teens and domestic violence victims.

King County Prescription Discount Card Program

The King County Prescription Discount Card Program can save an average of 24% off the price of all commonly prescribed medications.

Washington state's Basic Food program

Basic Food is a food and nutrition program for individuals and families who meet the income guidelines to afford healthier foods by providing monthly benefits to buy food.

Rental assistance (PDF)

If you need rental assistance, here are all of the programs in King County that can help support you.

Energy assistance

Your family's monthly income may qualify you for low-cost energy and utility assistance services through Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Utility Discount Program (UDP).

Get an ORCA-LIFT card

ORCA LIFT is an affordable way to get to work, school, shopping, day care or anywhere else you need to go. ORCA LIFT cards can be used for Metro buses for only $1.00 per trip, any time of the day.

Resources for health care providers

First Friday Forums (FFF)

First Friday Forums (FFF) provides information for King County health care providers including updates on Medicaid, Basic Health and other publicly sponsored government programs. Learn about health care program eligibility, application process, advocacy and a forum for problem-solving and collaboration.

Promotora Program

The Promotora model is a culturally sensitive, lay health educator for the Latina community. It has been used throughout the United States to address domestic violence, chronic disease, and oral health.

Assistance for Navigators

The Access & Outreach program provides trainings and technical support to our community partners. As the lead Navigator organization in King County under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), we help people apply for health insurance coverage, and we also coordinate a network of over 600 Navigators at partner organizations throughout the county.

Event calendar: Onsite Navigator enrollment and application assistance

Navigator Help Request Registration Form

Register up to 24 hours in advance to make an appointment for one-on-one assistance with a Navigator.

Why register? Walk-ins are welcomed without an appointment but are seen on a first-come, first-served basis so you will need to be flexible in your schedule while you wait for the next available Navigator to assist you. If you register in advance, you will know what time you'll be seen which can be helpful to plan your day.

Event date and time
Primary language needed

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